277 – Geoff Lawton on Permaculture Part 2

Published 11 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

This is the continuation of podcast 276.

The podcast starts with Paul asking if Geoff Lawton is a hippie. They talk about the PRI certified instructors and whether the holding hand and singing sound is part of a PDC. Geoff’s opinion is that if a PDC will include a metaphysical portion, it should be advertised at such. They talk about why some people are moving away from the term permaculture.

They talk briefly about Geoff’s next online PDC and the one he will be part of in California after Permaculture Voices.

They move on to talk about some techniques for greening the desert. Paul then asks Geoff some listener questions such as ways to mitigate salt in soils, challenges with the project in Jordan and some of the best tactics to spread permaculture.

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