Tag Archives for " Thomas J. Elpel "

370 – Botany in a Day Review – Part 6

Paul had Neil Bertrando from Reno, Nevada with him in this podcast to review Botany in a Day, by Thomas J. Elpel. Exploring the Mallow sub-class, Paul discovered that it includes Huckleberries, Blueberries, the Mustard family, the Squash family, and the Poop Beasts (Poplars, Cottonwoods and Willows). St John’s Wort family. St John’s Wort is […]

367 – Botany in a Day Review – Part 5

Paul had Neil Bertrando from Reno, Nevada with him in this podcast to review Botany in a Day, by Thomas J. Elpel. The podcast opened with Paul bragging about having huckleberry pie for breakfast. Paul said reading the book is helping his getting the ‘order of orders’ clear. Neil came up with a mnemonic: King […]

364 – Botany in a Day Review – Part 4

In this podcast, Paul and Neil Bertando continue on their review of Botany in a Day by Thomas Elpel. This time, they focus on the Magnolia and Witch Hazel Subclass. Since the guys are more interested in the edible and botanical plants and not the ornamental they move over the Magnolia class quickly. Neil and […]

362 – Botany in a Day Review – Part 3

Paul and Neil continue their review of Botany in a Day by Thomas Elpel with the conifers. They start out talking about all sorts of conifers including: Firs with their flat needles, the Pines, the edible nut pines, , spruces, cedars, the Douglas fir, yews, bald cypress, tamarack and larches. They discuss the uses these […]

356 – Botany in a Day Review – Part 2

Published 8 years ago in book review , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul and Neil Bertrando continue their review about Botany in a Day by Thomas Elpel. Paul tells us that since the book is about 200 pages, this is a high-level skim of botany. The topic is so vast; it would fill a whole library. This section starts right in with starting to classify a flowering […]
