All posts in "Review"

364 – Botany in a Day Review – Part 4

In this podcast, Paul and Neil Bertando continue on their review of Botany in a Day by Thomas Elpel. This time, they focus on the Magnolia and Witch Hazel Subclass. Since the guys are more interested in the edible and botanical plants and not the ornamental they move over the Magnolia class quickly. Neil and […]

292 – Review of the Permaculture Orchard

Published 10 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts , Review - 0 Comments

Jocelyn, Sam and the recently crowned (by Sepp Holzer) Duke Paul Wheaton review The Permaculture Orchard movie by Olivier Asselin that features Stefan Sobkowiak. Note: Paul is the Supreme Executive Producer with Bacon, Cheese and Sparkles for the movie. Stefan’s goal was to convert a traditional rowed orchard, in Quebec, into a more earth friendly […]

Podcast 270 – Review of don’t Eat Anything with a Face Part 2

Published 10 years ago in Podcasts , Review - 0 Comments

Credit: Sally Chang This podcast is a continuation of the discussion of the NPR program Intelligence2 Debate: Should We Avoid Eating Anything With A Face (see podcast 269 for link). Paul wonders if vegans and vegetarians are truly aware of the actual facts of how their vegetables are grown–a process that includes lots of tilling […]

Podcast 269 – Review of don’t Eat Anything with a Face Part 1

Published 10 years ago in Podcasts , Review - 0 Comments

Credit: Sally Chang Paul, Jocelyn, Tony, Emily and Erika discuss an episode of the NPR program, Intelligence2, called Debate: Should We Avoid Eating Anything With A Face? On the pro side is Dr. Neal Barnard and Gene Baur; the nay side includes Chris Masterjohn and Joel Salatin. You can listen to the episode here The […]

Podcast 246 – Botany in a Day Review Part 1

Published 11 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts , Review , wild foods - 0 Comments

Summary prepared by Julia Winter Paul and Neil Bertrando get together to review “Botany in a Day: The Patterns Method of Plant Identification” by Thomas A. Elpel). This is the first of several podcasts all covering this one book. Paul wanted to cover this book via multiple podcasts because he’s owned this book for years […]

Podcast 242 – Just Enough Part 2

Published 11 years ago in husp , Podcasts , Review - 0 Comments

This is part 2 of a 10 part series Paul, Abe Coley and Rory Paige review the book Just Enough: Lessons in Living Green from Traditional Japan. This book, by Azby Brown, is written as a series of stories about the people of the Edo period of Japan, which was from 1603 to 1868.   In […]

Podcast 237 – Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture Chapter 6

Paul talks with Chad, Zach, Bill and Judith about chapter 6 of Sepp Holzer‘s permaculture. They talk about Sepp’s worldwide projects. They also talk about the upcoming visit of Sepp Holzer to the United States in March and April 2013. You can discuss this podcast on this thread at Permies.

Podcast 235 – Review of a Pig in a Day

Published 11 years ago in food , homesteading , Permaculture , Podcasts , Review - 0 Comments

Paul meets with Brandon, Jocelyn and Richard to discuss pigs, butchering and charcuterie. Paul talks about the 3 videos that you can find on Brandon’s website and how he appreciated watching them because of their art, humor and poetry talking about how you can best use pork, starting from the pig in the field to […]

Podcast 234 – Review of Introduction to Permaculture Design DVD

Published 11 years ago in hugelkulture , Permaculture , Podcasts , Review - 0 Comments

Paul, Jocelyn, Erica Strauss, from Northwest Edible Life, and Bella, review Geoff Lawton‘s Introduction to Permaculture Design DVD. You can discuss this podcast on this thread at Permies. Get all of the podcasts in convenient, giant zip files Sponsor for this podcast: Pantry Paratus
