All posts in "food"

351 – Update from Wheaton Lab and Listener Questions Part 2

Published 8 years ago in food , hugelkulture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul, Jocelyn and Fred continue their discussion with Paul’s announcement of Ant village 2017 pricing. They then move on to more listener questions. The first one pertains to what ratio of nitrogen fixers Paul recommends for planting. They talk about the issue of chopped and dropped branches breaking down in a dry climate and they […]

350 – Update from Wheaton Lab and Listener Questions Part 1

Paul, Jocelyn and Fred talk about things that have been going on at Wheaton Lab. They talk about Jerusalem artichokes (sunchokes) that were harvested at Basecamp and they cook them. They discuss planting tree seeds and how Paul’s Patreon seems to make it worth cranking out more videos, podcast, and articles. Paul and Jocelyn went […]

284 – Reverence for Bees part 1

This podcast with Paul and Jacqueline Freeman discussing bees is one of my favorites and worth listening to, sharing and listening to again. Jacqueline and her “reverence for bees” is a self proclaimed handmaiden to the bees. They discuss her love for all animals on her farm and the interactions with them on a daily […]

278 – Gaia’s Garden Chapter 10

Published 11 years ago in food , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

After almost 2 years, Paul and Jocelyn are back reading Gaia’s Garden. Mostly home scale, zone 1, zone 2. One of the best parts of this chapter is the table in the middle. Tying guilds into a unified landscape. The role of [productive] trees, trees as the foundation of a forest. The yields of trees […]

Podcast 259 – Update from The Laboratory

Credit: Sally Chang Five people and five days at the lab. Getting Paul caught up on progress, sightings and other less interesting stuff. First on the list is the POOPER: there are concerns about the strength of the structure and proper venting. Should garbage cans or plastic wheely bins be used for storage. Rafters are […]

Podcast 243 – Food Choices

Published 11 years ago in food , nettles , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul and Jocelyn talk about food choices, recorded not long after Paul gave the keynote address to the permaculture convergence in San Diego. People kept asking about “dietary restrictions” on this trip.  Paul figured he and Jocelyn should make a podcast to go over food. “Everything in moderation, including moderation.”  For example, Paul loves pie, but only has […]

Tags: food , gluten , nettle , paleo , Raw milk

Podcast 236 – Interview with Sally Fallon on Raw Milk

In this podcast Paul and Sally Fallon, co-founder of the Weston A. Price Foundation and author of Nourishing Traditions, talk about Raw Milk. The discussion first focuses on to the how pasteurized milk came to become commonplace in the markets and how raw milk is the ultimate super food. Raw Milk can help with behavior problems, […]

Podcast 235 – Review of a Pig in a Day

Published 12 years ago in food , homesteading , Permaculture , Podcasts , Review - 0 Comments

Paul meets with Brandon, Jocelyn and Richard to discuss pigs, butchering and charcuterie. Paul talks about the 3 videos that you can find on Brandon’s website and how he appreciated watching them because of their art, humor and poetry talking about how you can best use pork, starting from the pig in the field to […]

229 – Gourmet Restaurant Experience

Published 12 years ago in food , income , Permaculture , Podcasts , wild foods - 0 Comments

Jocelyn and Paul went to the Herbfarm restaurant in Woodinville, WA. They recall their gourmet restaurant experience there and use the restaurant as an example of what can be done to make the big bucks with permaculture. You can discuss this podcast on this thread at Permies. Sponsor for this podcast: Pantry Paratus

222 – Polyculture Food, Land Search Update, and Cancer

In this podcast, Paul is in the car by himself and covers various subjects among which are polyculture food, land search update, and cancer. He talks about the Bullet Proof Executive. He mentions that he thinks like that author that grass fed beef is the healthiest food in a supermarket. Paul’s opinion is that grass […]

210 – Woodleaf Farm Orchards

Paul and Eivind are at Woodleaf Farm where they discuss yellowjackets and methods to control them and then they have a quick synopsis of the last few stops on the Tour. They revisit some of the things they have seen on the different farms they have visited. Paul tells of having his first orange off […]

209 – The Realities of Practical Permaculture – Dell Artemis Farm

Paul, Jocelyn and Eivind discuss the realities of practical permaculture depending upon environment, climate, soil and a multitude of other factors with Marina and Robert of Dell Artemis Farm. They talked about the challenges of practicing permaculture and farming techniques compared to the hypothetical notion of being completely self-sufficient from farming in any given environment. […]

204 – Permaculture Presentation at Ludemans in Beaverton, Oregon – Part I

Paul opens the podcast with a parrot joke and Jimmy Pardo playing music in the background. The Symphony of Seed & Soil Tour 2012 is at Ludemans Outdoor Furniture store in Beaverton, Oregon to give a presentation. Paul fields questions from the crowd concerning urban vs rural gardening, permaculture vs organic, and elaborates on topics […]

205 – Permaculture Presentation at Ludemans in Beaverton, Oregon – Part II

Paul answers more questions from the Beaverton presentation. Topics covered during the Q&A were having hugelkulture beds in conjunction with livestock, hugelkulture orientation, cattle feed, going hayless, reclamation of land, beneficial plants for reclamation, grafting and how to choose the ideal parcel of land to start fresh with permaculture. Also slopeland, wofati, rotational grazing, riparian […]

203 – Paul visits Joseph & Jacqueline Freeman of Friendly Haven Rise Farm – Pt. II

Part II of the visit to Friendly Haven Rise Farm continues the discussion on voles, and then moves on to hanging beef, optimizing profit on the farm, bonding with the soil and being in tune with the land, teaching permaculture basics, turkeys and bees. A highlight of the discussion was their belief in the associated […]

202 – Paul visits Joseph & Jacqueline Freeman of Friendly Haven Rise Farm – Pt. I

Paul visits Joseph & Jacqueline Freeman of Friendly Haven Rise Farm in Battleground Washington while on the 2012 Symphony with Seeds and Soil Tour. The first podcast covers how they found their farm and the 68 things anyone looking for a homestead should take into consideration during the process of finding a suitable location, slug […]

201 – Paul talks with Richard Kutscher from the PDC in Montana. – Part II

Paul talks with  Richard Kutscher whom Paul met at the PDC (Permaculture Design Course) and Sepp event in Montana. Richard has listened to all of the podcasts. They discuss a theoretical Permaculture ecoscale, and specifically Pauls definition of the Wheaton ecoscale, and Pauls ad-hoc permaculture ecoscale. The three sections of ecosections of Pauls environmental laboratory: […]

195 – Geoff Lawton on his Food Forests DVD

Published 12 years ago in food , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton talks to Geoff Lawton, who will be answering questions at this week for his Food Forest DVD promotion. Paul and Geoff talk about detractors. Geoff talks about having self-sufficient fun, and the peacefulness and contentment of setting up a permaculture system. They talk about being able to use the word permaculture without […]

194 – Surviving Cancer

Published 12 years ago in food , less toxic living , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton talks to Helen Atthowe again about cancer and the movie, The Beautiful Truth. Helen dislikes the lack of direct communication in the medical world, and shares some of her story with her naturopath. Helen was uninterested in doing radiation. Helen talks about the fear she experienced in the medical world. Helen compares looking […]

Tags: cancer , health , nutrition
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