Tag Archives for " bees "

Podcast 629 – 2022 PTJ Recap Session 2 – Part 3

Published last year in Podcasts - 0 Comments

Session 2 of 2022’s Permaculture Technology Jamboree roundup finishes up with its batch of instructors, mostly on Jacob Wustner’s topics of bees, bee genetics, how to get bees with good genetics and how to improve poorer ones, swarm traps, and treatment free keeping of bees. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More […]

Podcast 573 – Permaculture Smackdown 18 – Desert or Paradise Session 15

Published a couple of years ago in Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul sits down once again to finish up the review of Sepp Holzer’s Desert or paradise, this time with special guest Dr. Julia and the usual suspects (Katie, Opalyn, Mark), along with some on rocket oven maintenance and the upcoming RMH Jamboree. The main topics covered are humane slaughter and bee keeping. Support the podcast […]

podcast 418 – better world book – honey bees – part 2

Published 5 years ago in Podcasts - 0 Comments

This is part 2 of a podcast that was made from a YouTube live broadcast. Modern bee keepers will keep all of the queens that are hatched. Bad keepers will also sell queens from colonies that have hybridized with Africanized honey bees. They will also take all of the honey away from the bees, and […]

podcast 417 – better world book – honey bees – part 1

Published 5 years ago in Podcasts - 0 Comments

This is part 1 of a podcast that was made from a YouTube live broadcast. Paul and Shawn talk about honey bee care as an example of quality animal care. The complex problems of Colony Collapse Disorder have many causes. Raising bees in a way that is more aligned with their natural tendencies will keep […]

podcast 395 – Review of the Song of Increase

Published 6 years ago in Podcasts - 0 Comments

In this podcast, Paul and Jocelyn sit down to talk about Jacqueline Freeman’s new book “The Song of Increase” which is about honeybees and the sounds that they make as a colony and individuals. They talk at length about the different sounds that bees make to communicate with each other about the overall health and […]

287 – Reverence for Bees part 4

Published 10 years ago in bees , biodynamics , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Part 4 of the Reverence for bees podcast with Paul and Jacqueline begins with the colony collapse disorder topic and how they both feel it is due to stress. Pesticides/Herbicides are a form of stress as well. They also discuss how research is done and how it lacks in actual, factual data due to not […]

286 – Reverence for Bees part 3

Published 10 years ago in bees , biodynamics , less toxic living , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Jacqueline Freeman continues with Paul on an excellent discussion about beekeeping in part three. The podcast begins with the story of how Jacqueline became included on the permaculture playing cards, 6 of diamonds (beekeeping). They discuss all the ins and outs of how that came together. The bee hut and its history is then presented […]

285 – Reverence for Bees part 2

Both Paul and Jacqueline question the conventional beekeepers‘ approach; moreover, the harm caused by common practices. Specifically noting opening the hive weekly, allowing cooler air which leads to condensation to enter. Jacqueline quickly places plexiglass over the opening should she need to observe the hive. In addition, they agree that harvesting should only occur during […]

284 – Reverence for Bees part 1

This podcast with Paul and Jacqueline Freeman discussing bees is one of my favorites and worth listening to, sharing and listening to again. Jacqueline and her “reverence for bees” is a self proclaimed handmaiden to the bees. They discuss her love for all animals on her farm and the interactions with them on a daily […]

203 – Paul visits Joseph & Jacqueline Freeman of Friendly Haven Rise Farm – Pt. II

Part II of the visit to Friendly Haven Rise Farm continues the discussion on voles, and then moves on to hanging beef, optimizing profit on the farm, bonding with the soil and being in tune with the land, teaching permaculture basics, turkeys and bees. A highlight of the discussion was their belief in the associated […]

202 – Paul visits Joseph & Jacqueline Freeman of Friendly Haven Rise Farm – Pt. I

Paul visits Joseph & Jacqueline Freeman of Friendly Haven Rise Farm in Battleground Washington while on the 2012 Symphony with Seeds and Soil Tour. The first podcast covers how they found their farm and the 68 things anyone looking for a homestead should take into consideration during the process of finding a suitable location, slug […]

025 – Animal Harvest, Bees, LGD

The Podcast begins with much lament about the loss of great video footage in the Pacific Northwest and they go on to talk about taking an animal harvest class with Alexia Allen of Hawthorn Farm. This was a new experience for Jocelyn and largely a new one for Paul who had previously slaughter birds on […]

021 – Keen on Mason Bees With Dave Hunter

Published 13 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul speaks with Dave Hunter, the man keen on bees, about mason bees and the great difference between them and honeybees and how much we don’t know about the bee world. Paul starts by speaking with Dave about the problems that have kept on growing with honeybees, like the colony collapse disorder , CCD, and […]

013 – Vanishing of the Bees Movie Review

In this podcast Paul and Adrien review the movie Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by celebrity permaculturist, Ellen Page. They discuss how colony collapse disorder is heavily influenced by mono cultures and heavy use of pesticides and miteicides. Paul thinks that the movies gives a good message. The movie includes the perspective of commercial bee […]
