All posts in "chickens"

Podcast 275 – Chicken Tractors Debate

Sam, Petey, Emily, Jocelyn, & Paul have a discussion and rebuttal of the Paul Wheaton versus Darby Simpson Chicken Tractoring Duel (TSP Episode 1297). Items discussed: Chicken Tractors vs. Salatin style Pen vs. Paddock Shift Scalable systems. Tractors: the philosophy v the contraption The scorched earth philosophy. Will Paul raise chickens at the Laboratory? Lots […]

Podcast 259 – Update from The Laboratory

Credit: Sally Chang Five people and five days at the lab. Getting Paul caught up on progress, sightings and other less interesting stuff. First on the list is the POOPER: there are concerns about the strength of the structure and proper venting. Should garbage cans or plastic wheely bins be used for storage. Rafters are […]

221 – Paul Answers Permaculture Related Questions from Eivind Bjørkavåg

Published 12 years ago in chickens , Community , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul answers Eivind’s permaculture related questions. They talk about chickens and Paul expresses again how he dislikes chicken tractor. Eivind talks about the book City Chicks by Patricia Foreman that he has been reading on the trip. He says how he is disapointed that the author thinks that one can only grow up to 20% […]

210 – Woodleaf Farm Orchards

Paul and Eivind are at Woodleaf Farm where they discuss yellowjackets and methods to control them and then they have a quick synopsis of the last few stops on the Tour. They revisit some of the things they have seen on the different farms they have visited. Paul tells of having his first orange off […]

209 – The Realities of Practical Permaculture – Dell Artemis Farm

Paul, Jocelyn and Eivind discuss the realities of practical permaculture depending upon environment, climate, soil and a multitude of other factors with Marina and Robert of Dell Artemis Farm. They talked about the challenges of practicing permaculture and farming techniques compared to the hypothetical notion of being completely self-sufficient from farming in any given environment. […]

203 – Paul visits Joseph & Jacqueline Freeman of Friendly Haven Rise Farm – Pt. II

Part II of the visit to Friendly Haven Rise Farm continues the discussion on voles, and then moves on to hanging beef, optimizing profit on the farm, bonding with the soil and being in tune with the land, teaching permaculture basics, turkeys and bees. A highlight of the discussion was their belief in the associated […]

202 – Paul visits Joseph & Jacqueline Freeman of Friendly Haven Rise Farm – Pt. I

Paul visits Joseph & Jacqueline Freeman of Friendly Haven Rise Farm in Battleground Washington while on the 2012 Symphony with Seeds and Soil Tour. The first podcast covers how they found their farm and the 68 things anyone looking for a homestead should take into consideration during the process of finding a suitable location, slug […]

173 – Alexia Allen Part 2

Paul Wheaton talks to Alexia Allen, who is spinning wool. Paul talks about the thread, “Doubts about Holzer,” and how almost all people who do great things have detractors. Paul asks about Alexia’s benevolent dictatorship. Alexia talks about kids on the farm. She mentions Coyote Mentoring at Wilderness Awareness School. Alexia talks about bird language, […]

134 – Joel Salatin Part 1

Published 12 years ago in chickens , food , homesteading , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton and Lacia Bailey review a video on Joel Salatin at a google event. Joel talks about how this generation cannot pronounce or make the food we eat in our own kitchen. Paul and Lacia talk about Salatin’s book: Folks, This Ain’t Normal. They get into topics like black and white arguments that leave […]

126 – Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture Chapter 2 Part 2

Published 13 years ago in chickens , Permaculture , Podcasts , Sepp Holzer - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton continues reviewing chapter 2 of Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture with Kelda Miller, which is talking about birds and poultry. Sepp talks about the loss of natural habitat and bird diversity. Kelda talks about addressing urban sprawl, and taking out asphalt. The two of them address population growth, and the use of cars. Paul shares […]

093 – Urban Permaculture – Geoff Lawton

Published 13 years ago in chickens , Permaculture , Podcasts , urban - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton talks to Kane Jamison of Seattle Homestead, Lacia Lynne Bailey, and Jocelyn Campbell, reviewing the Urban Permaculture DVD with Geoff Lawton. Lacia uses a paddock shift system for urban pastured poultry, and raises urban dairy goats. Paul talks about permaculture and lawns. He likes the “mowable meadow.” Lacia calls it the “photosynthesizing gathering […]

092 – Canning Worms Chickens Weeds

In this episode Paul sits down and has a chat with his friends Wilson and Kya. Wilson and Kya run Pantry Paratus selling homesteading gear. This Podcast was recorded in their booth at the ‘Inland Northwest Permaculture Conference’. It is a conference so there is a bit of noise in the background, but not much. […]

084 – Alexia Allen

Paul Wheaton talks with Alexia Allen in Woodinville, WA. Alexia works with the WIlderness Awareness School, and lives on Hawthorn Farm. Paul starts with commenting on Alexia’s lionhead rabbit. Alexia was in Paul’s Respectful Chicken Harvest video. Alexia was making lichen dyed yarn. Alexia is motivated by gratitude. She is asked a question about eating […]

075 – Review of Gaia’s Garden, Chapter 7

Published 13 years ago in chickens , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton and Jocelyn Campbell review Gaia’s Garden Chapter 7, by Toby Hemenway: Bringing in the bees, birds, and other helpful animals. Polyculture attracts a diverse home ecosystem, which makes things more resilient and healthy. Paul shares his llama poop story. Jocelyn brings up the importance of having producers, consumers, and decomposers all present to […]

073 – Urban Permaculture Realism

Paul Wheaton talks to Norris Thomlinson, who lives on 0.2 acres in Portland, Oregon, and has been outside inputs that they have now. Animal calories make up half of what they eat, and a lot of calories come from their bee’s honey. Some sidenotes are that they weren’t very knowledgeable about gardening when they started, […]

048 – Discussion on Family, Bugs, Mining, Missoula

Published 13 years ago in chickens , food , missoula , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul discusses some company who came to visit early. He and his brother Tim have such different views on politics that it’s hard to believe they’re related. Tim has a passion for politics and is a conservative based on what Paul expresses. Jocelyn explains how politics are not allowed on Permies. Paul would rather discuss […]

Tags: insects , mullein

029 – Round Table at LaBiondo farm

In this podcast Paul sits down to a roundtable with Karen Biando at LaBiondo Farm and kitchen on Vashon Island, WA to discuss his tour of the farm. They begin by talking about Karen’s experience with “honor system” farm stands. Karen talks about how she has more invested in the cash box than the structure […]

028 – Review Fresh the movie

Published 13 years ago in chickens , food , missoula , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

 In this podcast, Paul and Jocelyn discuss the movie FRESH, a 2009 documentary by Ana Sofia Joanes, which focuses on our food system and its problems, as well as those who are practicing more sustainable alternatives. Paul starts out the podcast by stating that while Fresh was very well done, he was bored stupid, as […]

027 – Review Permaculture Soil Geoff Lawton

Paul Wheaton and Jocelyn Campbell review the movie, “Permaculture Soil,” with Geoff Lawton. Paul and Jocelyn thought Geoff did a good job discussing the topic of weeds as symptoms rather than problems. They think he could have done better talking about compost, and recommended Helen Atthowe‘s approaches. Geoff was into turning compost a lot, and his system seemed complex […]

025 – Animal Harvest, Bees, LGD

The Podcast begins with much lament about the loss of great video footage in the Pacific Northwest and they go on to talk about taking an animal harvest class with Alexia Allen of Hawthorn Farm. This was a new experience for Jocelyn and largely a new one for Paul who had previously slaughter birds on […]
