Tag Archives for " compost "

Podcast 577 – Jennie Site Review – Part 2

Published a couple of years ago in Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul continues his call with Jennie in the San Luis Valley of Colorado, covering topics such as hugelkultur, compost, food forests, mulch, fruit trees, edible cleaning agents, and the making of a willow feeder system. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information and discussion of this podcast on this thread at […]

159 – Jean Pain

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton talks to Zane about spiders that would catch on his hang glider when they were floating out in thermals. They are at the PDC in Dayton, Montana. Zane is going to make a Jean Pain compost pile, and describes how. They talk about heating the house and running a car, as well as […]

138 – Helen Atthowe Listener Questions

Paul Wheaton, Jocelyn Campbell, and Helen Atthowe respond to listener questions. Helen talks about soil testing and base saturation. Helen talks about “bad” compost, and the positive benefits of adding compost to your soil. They talk about some soils potentially being too rich. They discuss topsoil, and what is good or bad. Paul talks about […]

500 showers heated from one small compost pile how to tutorial

Published 12 years ago in homesteading , Permaculture , Video - 0 Comments

Brian Kerkvliet from Inspiration Farm tells us about his little compost pile that provided 500 hot showers. Compost heat can, indeed, be captured to heat water. After the hot showers, you have a lovely pile of compost! The moisture from the shower feeds mushrooms! Hot water, compost and mushrooms. Permaculture!

Tags: compost

093 – Urban Permaculture – Geoff Lawton

Published 12 years ago in chickens , Permaculture , Podcasts , urban - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton talks to Kane Jamison of Seattle Homestead, Lacia Lynne Bailey, and Jocelyn Campbell, reviewing the Urban Permaculture DVD with Geoff Lawton. Lacia uses a paddock shift system for urban pastured poultry, and raises urban dairy goats. Paul talks about permaculture and lawns. He likes the “mowable meadow.” Lacia calls it the “photosynthesizing gathering […]

027 – Review Permaculture Soil Geoff Lawton

Paul Wheaton and Jocelyn Campbell review the movie, “Permaculture Soil,” with Geoff Lawton. Paul and Jocelyn thought Geoff did a good job discussing the topic of weeds as symptoms rather than problems. They think he could have done better talking about compost, and recommended Helen Atthowe‘s approaches. Geoff was into turning compost a lot, and his system seemed complex […]

015 – Helen Atthowe on Compost, Veganic Permaculture, Native Plants

In this podcast, Paul speaks with Helen Atthowe, and they speak about compost, vegan permaculture, and native plants. Paul recalls the first time he saw Helen’s compost piles 15 years ago. Paul underlines the difference between industrial composting facilities that just serve as getting rid of the industrial waste, and with Helen’s piles of compost […]

007 – Masanobu Fukuoka Larry Korn

Published 13 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts , Sepp Holzer - 0 Comments

In this podcast, Paul talks with Larry Korn in Ashland, Oregon. Larry was an intern for Masanobu Fukuoka for several years and did the translation for One Straw Revolution. Larry begins by talking about the time that Bill Mollison (the inventor of permaculture) first met Fukuoka. He also relays the stories of Fukuoka’s experiences in […]
