Tag Archives for " Fukuoka "

082 – Review of Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture, Chapter 1 Part 3

Published 13 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts , Sepp Holzer - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton and Kelda Miller continue reviewing chapter 1 of Sepp Holzer‘s Permaculture (the book). Kelda will be teaching a class at Bastyr University. Paul recommends Mel Bartholow’s Square Foot Gardening or those new to gardening, and both Toby Hemenway‘s Gaia’s Garden and Sepp’s Book. Kelda recommends the book Food Not Lawns. Paul believes in […]

033 – Helen Atthowe soil

Published 13 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

This is one great conversation between Paul and Helen Atthowe about dirt, no-till gardens, Masanobu Fukuoka and challenges of growing organically, “naturally” and/or permaculture growing. This podcast is the result of a question Paul received: “How do Fukuoka techniques affect Permaculture and can Permaculture and Fukuoka techniques be combined for something better?” It begins with […]

032 – Helen Atthowe sustainability efficiency

Published 13 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

In this podcast, Paul debates with Helen Atthowe about how sustainability and efficiency as we currently measure it cannot coexist. Helen has decades of hands on experience working directly on sustainable farming in Montana in addition to having been able to learn directly from Fukuoka. She has also been active as a Missoula County Horticultural […]

012 – Helen Atthowe, Soil, Conifers, Fukuoka

Paul visits with Helen Atthowe, goddess of the soil. She has a new web site she calls veganic permaculture. Paul and Helen talk about how they are going to not talk about pH and conifers. They do talk a bit about conifer allelopathy and skim over what their current conflicting theories are about how conifers […]

011 – Making the big bucks with permaculture, part 3

This podcast is part 3 of a recorded presentation Paul gave in Missoula, Montana about farm income. It concludes his talk about Making the big bucks with permaculture! Paul continues in this podcast by taking audience questions. A discussion about regulated versus unregulated sale of foods ensues. Paul gives an example of a small town […]

010 – Making the big bucks with permaculture, part 2

This podcast is part 2 of a recorded presentation Paul gave on How to make the big bucks with permaculture in Missoula, Montana. The main topic is farm income. He continues by giving examples of people who will pay money to work on a farm. Mary Jane Butters’ farm has people who pay to work […]

009 – Making the big bucks with permaculture, part 1

Paul recorded a presentation he gave on How to make the big bucks with permaculture in Missoula, Montana. He starts by doing a quick show of hands from the audience with regards to who has what experience. Paul discusses how we can use permaculture to make more money. Paul explains how some people want to […]

007 – Masanobu Fukuoka Larry Korn

Published 14 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts , Sepp Holzer - 0 Comments

In this podcast, Paul talks with Larry Korn in Ashland, Oregon. Larry was an intern for Masanobu Fukuoka for several years and did the translation for One Straw Revolution. Larry begins by talking about the time that Bill Mollison (the inventor of permaculture) first met Fukuoka. He also relays the stories of Fukuoka’s experiences in […]

002 – What is permaculture? What is a permaculture design course?

Paul Wheaton and Jocelyn Campbell talk about how permies.com got started. Paul shares about his lawn care article and needing help managing his emails. He then talks about the difference between making nature “your personal bitch” and working with nature. Aligned with nature, you can do 100 times more. He tells how maybe 10,000 years […]
