All posts in "missoula"

387 – Wheaton Labs Goals – part 2

This is part two of the podcast where Paul and Jocelyn are speaking about their wish list for the property. The first thing they talk about is the chateau de Poo, which is a beautiful… outhouse. It took three months to build but looks very nice, with hand cut shingles and everything. There were some […]

380 – Dealing with community drama – part 4

Paul and Jocelyn continue to address some intentional community 3.0 issues. They start off by addressing the claim that they were locking a “historically” public road, which was proven by local authorities not to be public. They talk about the issues with Allerton Abbey, which were fixed in the summer. They talk about the bounty […]

379 – Dealing with community drama – part 3

Paul and Jocelyn continue to address some intentional community 3.0 issues. They start off with the last 2 concerns the Ants formulated: written rental agreement and not being allowed to commute to a job. They then move on to addressing criticism from 47: the local currency (fysh) being obscure, poop management, the lock at the […]

361 – Tim Barker on what a PDC is – Part 2

This is part 2 of a 2 part podcast. Paul and Tim Barker continue to talk about the plans for the 2017 PDC from May 28 to June 10. There will be 91 hours of instruction, more than the usual 72 hours, and then there will be evening presentations on top of that, so a […]

360 – Tim Barker on what a PDC is – Part 1

Paul talks with Tim Barker about the upcoming Homesteader PDC (Permaculture Design Course) that will be held at Wheaton Lab near Missoula, Montana from Sunday, May 28th through Saturday June 10th, 2017. Tim and Paul will be the main instructors. Thomas J. Elpel, Helen Atthowe, Ernie and Erica Wisner, and Jacqueline Freeman will be guest […]

289 – Update from Wheaton Laboratories Part 2

Podcast 289 begins with a synopsis of future workshops.  Please see links for full information as they all offer some different time frames. cost , etc.  There is still room for all workshops. The first is in June (16-20) with the solar/electric workshop featuring Steve Heckeroth (5 days). This is followed by the Wofati workshop […]

288 – Update from Wheaton Laboratories Part 1

Lunch time at Base camp is the setting for this podcast with Paul and the group (PB, Emily, Oliver and Sam) discussing life and projects going on at the wheaton laboratories. Peaceful Valley Farm Supply is mentioned as the sponsor for a contest ($1000.00 gift certificate prize) where the contestants prove that planting tomato seeds outdoors rather […]

Podcast 274 – Earthworks DVD Set Part 2

It’s been three weeks, time for another walking/talking podcast with Paul and Jocelyn! Somehow 14 inches of snow isn’t nearly as CRUNCHY as last time. Jocelyn’s arm is still in a cast, and she’s not supposed to use that arm at all, so she’s really glad that she’s living in community right now. The Kickstarter […]

Podcast 256 – Paul’s Community

Credit: Marianne Cooper Paul and Jocelyn are driving across Washington State Desert. The perfect time for a podcast. People are physically moving to the Base Camp including Paul’s brother. Progress is being made and some of the 1st people that arrived, like Ryan, wanted to participate in necessary tasks like dropping a tree. As mentioned […]

Podcast 255 – Land update part 2

Credit: Summary prepared by Susan Noyes This is a land update where Paul discusses with Ryan and Jesse things that were done this week: setting up a second tipi, conversations about a well, pooper, setting up tipis, green woodworking. The JetPack people were mentioned; their names are posted in the dining room at BC. These […]

Podcast 254 – Land update: pooper, well, fencing

Published 11 years ago in missoula , Paul's farm , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Credit: Summary prepared by Marianne Cooper This is the perfect early morning breakfast podcast as there’s mouthwatering discussion about huckleberry pie (a member of the blueberry family) with Paul, Jessie & Ryan. They give us a land update us on what is going on at Paul’s farm also known as “The Land” (TL). The discussion […]

Podcast 248 – Paul’s Farm

Paul and Jocelyn start the podcast talking about the fact that Paul found his “Paulcano“. They then move on talking about naming the farm and that many names were suggested. They move on to describe base camp(BC), how people ended up chiping in money to allow purchasing it and how Paul is happy to be […]

Podcast 244 – Mark Vander Meer on soil restoration

Published 11 years ago in missoula , Permaculture , Podcasts , soil - 0 Comments

This is a presentation given by Mark Vander Meer at the 2012 Inland Northwest Permaculture convergence. Mark is a soil scientist who works as a wild restoration ecologist in Montana. His presentation focuses on soil restoration and is very much question driven. He starts off by talking about the water shed death spiral where the […]

226 – Rocket Mass Heater Workshop Part 2

Paul, Ernie and Erica continue their conversation on the Rocket Mass Heaters workshop that started in part 1. They first talk about an idea that was brought up during the workshop to put the exhaust in a greenhouse to help with plant growth. The concept is that since the exhaust from a Rocket Mass Heater […]

225 – Rocket Mass Heater Workshop Part 1

Buy Ernie and Erica’s detailed plans Paul Wheaton is with Ernie and Erica Wisner. They talk about the Rocket Mass Heater workshop held at Caleb and Krista’s in Missoula at the end of October 2012. They point out that it was a great success that brought together many interesting people with varied skills. Ernie and […]

224 – Poop Beast Part 2

Paul Wheaton and Heath Carrey continue their discussion on sewage treatment and poop beasts that started in podcast 223. They continue with their concerns on using the wood from the poplar project because of the pharmaceutical, the chemicals, and the heavy metals that could be present in the poop Kool-Aid. Heath talks about what the poplar project […]

201 – Paul talks with Richard Kutscher from the PDC in Montana. – Part II

Paul talks with  Richard Kutscher whom Paul met at the PDC (Permaculture Design Course) and Sepp event in Montana. Richard has listened to all of the podcasts. They discuss a theoretical Permaculture ecoscale, and specifically Pauls definition of the Wheaton ecoscale, and Pauls ad-hoc permaculture ecoscale. The three sections of ecosections of Pauls environmental laboratory: […]

200 – Paul talks with Richard from the PDC in Montana. – Part I

Paul talks with Richard whom Paul met at the PDC (Permaculture Design Course) in Montana. Richard has listened to all of the podcasts. They discuss a theoretical Permaculture ecoscale, and specifically Pauls definition of the Wheaton ecoscale, and Pauls ad-hoc permaculture ecoscale. The three sections of ecosections of Pauls environmental laboratory: Permaculture, symbiculture and husp […]

131 – Free Cycles

Published 12 years ago in less toxic living , missoula , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton talks with Bob Giordano of Free Cycles in Missoula, where you can get a free bicycle for 4 hours of volunteering. You learn how to fish rather than just getting a fish, aka, you learn how to put together a bicycle rather than just ride one. The bike is the medium for community. […]

Tags: energy , Missoula

123 – Market Legality and Doing What You Love

Published 13 years ago in missoula , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton talks with Jocelyn Campbell about the Missoula Heirloom Winter Market. It used to be a “black market,” where you could buy things that weren’t officially approved for sale. They talk about the health department folks sneaking in, and how the market has coped by creating a “members only” policy. Paul mentions Joel Salatin‘s […]

Tags: farmers , legality , money