Tag Archives for " legality "

184 – Farmageddon

Published 12 years ago in food , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton talks to Jocelyn Campbell about the movie, Farmageddon, which profiles several small farms that were unfairly raided and destroyed. One family raised raw milk, which cured her son’s allergies. Joel Salatin says that these raids were warrantless, and bad science. They talk about mixed motivations for participating in these raids. They talk about […]

135 – Joel Salatin Part 2

Published 12 years ago in food , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton and Lacia Bailey continue reviewing a video on Joel Salatin at a google event. Joel talks about food innovation being impeded by a number of laws. Visiting a CAFO requires a haz-mat suit and shoes dipped in chemicals. Paul talks about how he prefers to innovate in secrecy, so he is not shut […]

123 – Market Legality and Doing What You Love

Published 12 years ago in missoula , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton talks with Jocelyn Campbell about the Missoula Heirloom Winter Market. It used to be a “black market,” where you could buy things that weren’t officially approved for sale. They talk about the health department folks sneaking in, and how the market has coped by creating a “members only” policy. Paul mentions Joel Salatin‘s […]

Tags: farmers , legality , money