Tag Archives for " rocket mass heat "

381 – Heating with less wood – part 1

In this podcast, Paul and Jocelyn talk about how they heated their home with only 0.6 cords of wood. They take the rocket mass heater in the Fisher Price house as a case study. It is December in Montana and they only get about 6 hrs of sunlight at this time of year. Cloudy days […]

353 – Saving the World in your Backyard Part 1

Paul and Jocelyn are talking about solving global problems in one’s backyard in response to Derrick Jensen’s article “Forget Shorter Showers”. However, they start the podcast by talking about permaculture author and educator Toby Hemenway passing away. They also talk about permies.com moderator John Polk passing away. Paul mentions that he thinks Derrick is one […]

289 – Update from Wheaton Laboratories Part 2

Podcast 289 begins with a synopsis of future workshops.  Please see links for full information as they all offer some different time frames. cost , etc.  There is still room for all workshops. The first is in June (16-20) with the solar/electric workshop featuring Steve Heckeroth (5 days). This is followed by the Wofati workshop […]
