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Tag Archives for " Residual income streams "

Podcast 574 – Should Sean Stay?

Published a couple of years ago in Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul calls up Sean, who parted with pizza money to get an opinion on whether or not to move away from his friend’s place in California, and if so, what to do? They also discuss residual income streams, renting land and buying land. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information and […]

Podcast 564 – Passive Income Streams with Alexia Allen

Published a couple of years ago in Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul calls up Alexia Adams, who foolishly forked over $100 to talk with Paul about residual income streams, what isn’t a passive income stream (investments, rentals), mailing lists, book writing, and overall strategy behind most successful passive income streams. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information and discussion of this podcast […]

podcast 539 – Quest for Land Session 2 – Part 1

Published 3 years ago in Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul sits back down with Kyle and Mark to continue talking about how to buy land, although Mark takes a while to show up so they spend the time talking about residual income streams. When they get back on topic, they talk about soil building, terraces, and how much slope is desirable. Support the podcast […]

376 – How to do a kickstarter – part 3

Published 7 years ago in homesteading , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul, Erica and Julianne continue their discussion about what it takes to make a successful Kickstarter. They talk about how to select the rewards, what a good description is, collaboration, affiliate links, and the problem of early bird pricing. Paul emphasizes the importance of a $1 reward to get more supporters. Paul and Erica talk […]

375 – How to do a kickstarter – part 2

Published 7 years ago in homesteading , income , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul, Erica and Julianne continue their discussion about what it takes to make a successful Kickstarter. They talk about the importance of good prep ahead of time, how to set the budget and the goal. Paul also mentions involving the community and the importance of a good short intro video. Support the podcast on Patreon […]

374 – How to do a kickstarter – part 1

Published 7 years ago in homesteading , income , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul, Erica and Julianne talk about what it takes to make a successful Kickstarter. The conversation is based on Paul and Erica’s experience with running Kickstarter campaigns that got more than fully funded. Support the podcast on Patreon Relevant Threads Dirtpatcheaven thread at permies Dirtpatcheaven Youtube channel Julianne’s podcast with Paul about residual income streams […]

368 – Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Published 7 years ago in income , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul and Jocelyn relate a story from the book Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. It is about innovation to generate income. Paul mentions that his experience has been that any time he wants to generate more income, he has to innovate. Support the podcast on Patreon Relevant Threads Rich Dad Poor Dad by […]

353 – Saving the World in your Backyard Part 1

Paul and Jocelyn are talking about solving global problems in one’s backyard in response to Derrick Jensen’s article “Forget Shorter Showers”. However, they start the podcast by talking about permaculture author and educator Toby Hemenway passing away. They also talk about permies.com moderator John Polk passing away. Paul mentions that he thinks Derrick is one […]
