Tag Archives for " weeds "

163 – Bindweed

Published 12 years ago in Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton talks to Mike around the campfire in Montana. Paul has proudly beaten bindweed, (the process of which he describes in his lawn care article) and shares his secret. Paul’s special tool was using his kids when they were naughty. He does the same technique with canadian thistle. Discussing the podcast.

Tags: weeds

157 – Knapweed

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton talks to Michael Pilarski (Skeeter) on day 3 of the spring PDC in Dayton, MT. They talk about knapweed. Knapweed makes for good honey. Skeeter talks about it as a mulch, and he talks about successfully eliminating it. Knapweed is allelopathic, and exudes niacin out of its roots. Paul suggests planting trees. Knapweed […]

092 – Canning Worms Chickens Weeds

In this episode Paul sits down and has a chat with his friends Wilson and Kya. Wilson and Kya run Pantry Paratus selling homesteading gear. This Podcast was recorded in their booth at the ‘Inland Northwest Permaculture Conference’. It is a conference so there is a bit of noise in the background, but not much. […]

084 – Alexia Allen

Paul Wheaton talks with Alexia Allen in Woodinville, WA. Alexia works with the WIlderness Awareness School, and lives on Hawthorn Farm. Paul starts with commenting on Alexia’s lionhead rabbit. Alexia was in Paul’s Respectful Chicken Harvest video. Alexia was making lichen dyed yarn. Alexia is motivated by gratitude. She is asked a question about eating […]

082 – Review of Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture, Chapter 1 Part 3

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts , Sepp Holzer - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton and Kelda Miller continue reviewing chapter 1 of Sepp Holzer‘s Permaculture (the book). Kelda will be teaching a class at Bastyr University. Paul recommends Mel Bartholow’s Square Foot Gardening or those new to gardening, and both Toby Hemenway‘s Gaia’s Garden and Sepp’s Book. Kelda recommends the book Food Not Lawns. Paul believes in […]

068 – Michael Pilarski (Skeeter)

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton shares about his Michael Pilarski (Skeeter), a renouned wildcrafter, who was his PDC teacher in 2005. He shares about his chop and drop, Back to the Garden which has Skeeter interviewed in it. Paul and Skeeter mention the hugelkultur, which Skeeter explains. Is there anything Skeeter has planted before that he wouldn’t deal […]

057 – Preparing a Food Forest

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul and Joe talk about turning the back of her property to a food forest. They begin talking about the success of rhubarb–a nitrogen pig–and growing it in hugelkultur beds. Paul mentions putting a sun scoop in–a horseshoe-shaped garden. The curved end would grow the tallest things. They look at Joe’s siberian pea shrub and […]

053 – Toby Hemenway on Native Plants

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton and Toby Hemenway, author of Gaia’s Garden, talk about native plants. Toby shares about preferring native, and then, when the native doesn’t do the job, bringing in plants known not to be a problem or take over. He shares about various exotic plants. Purple loosestrife cleans up pollution, attracts native pollinators–clean the water […]

036 – Aquaculture Community, and Weeds

In this podcast Paul Wheaton sits down to a roundtable discussion with friends Rob, Krista, Suzy, and Caleb at the Iron Horse Pub in Cast Iron cook wear and their shock that the ‘non-stick’ modern cookwear actually seem to stick more. Suzy confirms that she has removed the ‘non-stick’ wear from their kitchen and that […]

034 – Sepp Holzer Film Presentation Part 1

If aphids are on a plant are they a pest? From a permaculture standpoint, the aphids are decomposing plant material. The aphids indicate that that plant should not be there. Sepp Holzer maximizes diversification by randomly spreading seed. Plants that do not grow so we’ll need to be removed and the aphids help remove the […]

027 – Review Permaculture Soil Geoff Lawton

Paul Wheaton and Jocelyn Campbell review the movie, “Permaculture Soil,” with Geoff Lawton. Paul and Jocelyn thought Geoff did a good job discussing the topic of weeds as symptoms rather than problems. They think he could have done better talking about compost, and recommended Helen Atthowe‘s approaches. Geoff was into turning compost a lot, and his system seemed complex […]
