All posts in "food"

023 – Organic fast food

Published 13 years ago in food , Podcasts , Sepp Holzer - 0 Comments

Paul’s driving down the road, sharing thoughts for this and other podcasts. He touches on the upcoming Mac vs. PC podcast as well as the organic fast food reference system. Wouldn’t it be great if an independent organization rated fast food based on how truly good the food is? It would be a reference guide […]

018 – Review of Dirt The Movie

Published 13 years ago in food , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

In this podcast, Paul and Jocelyn sum up what they liked and disliked of the movie, Dirt. First they consider why speak of dirt and not soil. In permaculture, we love soil. Of course the movie is inspired by William Bryant Logan’s acclaimed book Dirt: The Ecstatic Skin of the Earth. The movie is full […]

017 – Food Matters, Cancer, Local Organic Nutrition, Toilets, Water

Paul and Jocelyn start out by talking about the documentary “Food Matters” Jocelyn fell asleep while watching it, Paul says “I watched the whole thing!” But first, they plan to also talk about water conservation. Also, Paul is setting up an email thing-a-ma-jigger and you should sign up (Ed: the dailyish email list, highly recommended). […]

015 – Helen Atthowe on Compost, Veganic Permaculture, Native Plants

In this podcast, Paul speaks with Helen Atthowe, and they speak about compost, vegan permaculture, and native plants. Paul recalls the first time he saw Helen’s compost piles 15 years ago. Paul underlines the difference between industrial composting facilities that just serve as getting rid of the industrial waste, and with Helen’s piles of compost […]

013 – Vanishing of the Bees Movie Review

In this podcast Paul and Adrien review the movie Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by celebrity permaculturist, Ellen Page. They discuss how colony collapse disorder is heavily influenced by mono cultures and heavy use of pesticides and miteicides. Paul thinks that the movies gives a good message. The movie includes the perspective of commercial bee […]

009 – Making the big bucks with permaculture, part 1

Paul recorded a presentation he gave on How to make the big bucks with permaculture in Missoula, Montana. He starts by doing a quick show of hands from the audience with regards to who has what experience. Paul discusses how we can use permaculture to make more money. Paul explains how some people want to […]

008 – Beyond Organic Innovation

Paul starts off by expressing his opinions on organic practices and what he calls invert organic labeling. He thinks that all foods that are NOT organic should be labeled so. If something has pesticides, he thinks it should say so. He talks about his ideas regarding something he calls thewhole foods quality factor. Basically, his idea […]

006 – Cast Iron Cookware

Published 14 years ago in food , less toxic living , Podcasts - 0 Comments

In this podcast Jocelyn and Paul chat about about cast iron cookware, particularly skillets.They start by talking about Paul’s cast iron skillet article. He says that because people were still doubting his claims about eggs not sticking, he created this video to prove them wrong. They also mention the other video he has about cleaning […]

Tags: cast iron , food