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Tag Archives for " fluorescent lightbulbs "

114 – CFL Experiment Seed Saving

Paul Wheaton talks with Jocelyn Campbell about the CFL experiment he is working on. All the incandescents are still going, one CFL out of 3 is still going, and the LED is still going. He talks a bit about LEDs, and some concerns people have about them. He responds to a question about saving seeds. […]

107 – Fluorescent Lighting

Published 13 years ago in less toxic living , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton talks with Jocelyn Campbell about a recent dinner they had with people who had a full energy audit on their house. They talk about CFL vs incandescent lightbulbs. They talk about the quality of fluorescent light. The audit didn’t mention anything about lifestyle habits or changes, like using a drying rack instead of […]

041 – Planned obsolescence

Published 13 years ago in Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul and Jocelyn have both watched the same movie, Pyramids of Waste, a.k.a The Lightbulb Conspiracy. The movie does a good job documenting how companies plan obsolescence. Jocelyn gives a shout out to Eric Kimmitt for finding the movie. Paul discusses his forum post and how the movie really got lots of attention at Reddit. […]

008 – Beyond Organic Innovation

Paul starts off by expressing his opinions on organic practices and what he callsĀ invert organic labeling. He thinks that all foods that are NOT organic should be labeled so. If something has pesticides, he thinks it should say so. He talks about his ideas regarding something he calls thewhole foods quality factor. Basically, his idea […]
