Tag Archives for " CFL "

357 – Cutting Your Heat Bill in Half

Published 8 years ago in Lighting , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul and Jocelyn talk to Ernie and Erica about how to reduce your energy consumption through the use of incandescent light bulbs. Ernie explains how Paul is wrong. They talk about how the power companies are uninterested in you actually reducing your consumption. Ernie underlines that your heat bill is one part of the puzzle, […]

349 – LED vs Incandescent Light

Published 8 years ago in less toxic living , Lighting , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul, Jocelyn and Fred discuss the question whether incandescent light is still better than LED light. The short answer is “yes.” The longer answer fills a podcast. They explore many aspects: subsidy, energy sucking activities (heating, cooling, drying clothes, cooking), lighting habits, light quality, longevity, toxicity from cradle to grave, complexity, and the total energy […]

Tags: CFL , Incandescent , LED

220 – Symphonies in Seed and Soil Permaculture Tour Recap Part 2

In part 2 of the podcast where Paul, Jocelyn, and Eivind recap their permaculture tour. They talk about their time in the San Diego area where Paul did a presentation on replacing irrigation with permaculture. Then they talk about the Phoenix portion where Paul did his ”Thirty tinkerers in thirty minute” presentation. Eivind mentioned that […]

107 – Fluorescent Lighting

Published 13 years ago in less toxic living , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton talks with Jocelyn Campbell about a recent dinner they had with people who had a full energy audit on their house. They talk about CFL vs incandescent lightbulbs. They talk about the quality of fluorescent light. The audit didn’t mention anything about lifestyle habits or changes, like using a drying rack instead of […]

100 – CFL Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs

Paul talks with Andrew Monkhouse, an epileptic friend of his from the world of software engineering. Andrew shares his story of discovering what triggered his attacks. He shares about the frequency of fluorescent lights, and how it affects him. Fluorescent lights take a while to warm up enough to its full brightness. Paul gets into […]
