Tag Archives for " Mike Oehler "

220 – Symphonies in Seed and Soil Permaculture Tour Recap Part 2

In part 2 of the podcast where Paul, Jocelyn, and Eivind recap their permaculture tour. They talk about their time in the San Diego area where Paul did a presentation on replacing irrigation with permaculture. Then they talk about the Phoenix portion where Paul did his ”Thirty tinkerers in thirty minute” presentation. Eivind mentioned that […]

219 – Symphonies in Seed and Soil Permaculture Tour Recap Part 1

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts , urban , Wofati - 0 Comments

The 2012 Symphonies in Seed and Soil Permaculture Tour is over. During this tour, Paul Wheaton, Jocelyn Campbell, Eivind Bjørkavåg, and Geoff Badenoch visited amazing permaculture sites in the Western United States and met many people. In this podcast, Paul, Jocelyn and Eivind try to remember all the different things that they saw that has not already […]

215 – Glenn Kangiser on Oehler Structures

Published 12 years ago in homesteading , Permaculture , Podcasts , Wofati - 0 Comments

In podcast 215, Glenn Kangiser and Paul Wheaton discuss Glenn’s Oehler structure. Paul studies the underground cabin as Glenn takes him on a tour of the organic house on the Kangiser homestead in central California. In the beginning, Glenn read Mike Oehler’s book and decided he could build it then began work on his unconventional home […]

091 – WOFATI Eco Buildings

Published 13 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul shares about wofati buildings, an eco building that requires no heat or air conditioning, can be made from the materials on your woodland, and is quicker and cheaper to build than strawbale or cob. Their primary design changes are the exterior walls. Straw is not a particulary good insulation, and cob is beautiful, but […]
