Tag Archives for " frugality "

Podcast 240 – Poo-Less: Shampoo and Soap less

Credit: Summary prepared by Susan McGuinness About the toxic gunk we rub onto ourselves, plus a bit about diet, and what to do about it. Paul and Jocelyn discuss personal hygiene strategies from their different cultural perspectives. Paul may be presenting himself as an example of germ-conscious but not overly-sensitive ‘guy’. Jocelyn has various sensitivities […]

how to render lard

Published 12 years ago in food , homesteading , less toxic living , Video - 0 Comments

Suzy Bean renders lard in her favorite way. And she talks about some other lard rendering techniques that she has tried and doesn’t like as much. The way she likes: the stove top “dry method” (no water) in a cast iron skillet. She says a stainless steel pan would be good too. Low to medium […]

Tags: food , frugality

outdoor classroom at bullock brothers permaculture homestead

This outdoor classroom is a kind of tee-pee-ish thing. Canvas, a few poles from the hillside and some rope makes an outdoor classroom for about a hundred people. … update – the roof of this outdoor classroom might be an old parachute! Video taken during an open house at the bullock brothers permaculture homestead.

129 – Frugality and Community

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton talks with Josiah Wallingford, who has helped Paul immensely spreading his evil empire. Josiah gives his and his wife’s update since he did his last podcast with Paul. They discuss the approach described in Early Retirement Extreme, including a waiting period in which they live very frugally. They will be moving to northern […]

095 – Listener Feedback Integrity Frugality

Paul Wheaton talks to Jocelyn Campbell again about listener feedback. Paul found out he has lots of conservative listeners, which surprised him, in particular one man who had a few words to say about Christianity. Paul and Jocelyn talk about integrity. Paul talks about his kickstarter campaign. Paul talks about his land situation, and his […]

059 – Early Retirement Extreme

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul interviews Jacob from earlyretirementextreme.com. (There is also a thread on Early Retirement Extreme (ERE) at permies.com). They talk about Jacob’s experience retiring at 33 (he’s 35 now), and how he got to that point. There are different levels of “extreme” one can take, depending on what is comfortable, but, as Jacob says, “The point […]

041 – Planned obsolescence

Published 13 years ago in Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul and Jocelyn have both watched the same movie, Pyramids of Waste, a.k.a The Lightbulb Conspiracy. The movie does a good job documenting how companies plan obsolescence. Jocelyn gives a shout out to Eric Kimmitt for finding the movie. Paul discusses his forum post and how the movie really got lots of attention at Reddit. […]
