129 – Frugality and Community

Published 13 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton talks with Josiah Wallingford, who has helped Paul immensely spreading his evil empire. Josiah gives his and his wife’s update since he did his last podcast with Paul. They discuss the approach described in Early Retirement Extreme, including a waiting period in which they live very frugally. They will be moving to northern CA, where they can participate in a shared farm space, where they get to eat 3/4 of what they grow. Paul suggests finding somewhere where you can build an eco building and live there rent free for 1 year. Paul suggests building a wofati. Josiah has a blue bird bus he can potentially live out of. They talk about the tiny house movement. Paul talks about living in community where everyone ate, all organically, for $108 per person per month. Paul talks about trolls on reddit.
Discussing the podcast.
