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351 – Update from Wheaton Lab and Listener Questions Part 2

Published 7 years ago in food , hugelkulture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul, Jocelyn and Fred continue their discussion with Paul’s announcement of Ant village 2017 pricing. They then move on to more listener questions. The first one pertains to what ratio of nitrogen fixers Paul recommends for planting. They talk about the issue of chopped and dropped branches breaking down in a dry climate and they mention their experience at base camp with the enormous berm, mulching and the nitrogen fixers they have in it. They talk about the electric chainsaws and which one has work best.

The next question they answer is about the edibility of siberian pea shrub. Paul’s experience is that they are too hard to eat and he has doubt about its quality as chicken feed.

The last question covered in this podcast is about preserving annuals. Paul, Jocelyn and Fred talk about canning, freezing, fermentation, and dehydration. Fred talks about his plan to try root cellaring in a clamp

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This podcast was made possible thanks to:

Doug Barth
Julia Mason
Tyler Miller
wade L
David Ingraham

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