Tag Archives for " pigs "

Podcast 235 – Review of a Pig in a Day

Published 11 years ago in food , homesteading , Permaculture , Podcasts , Review - 0 Comments

Paul meets with Brandon, Jocelyn and Richard to discuss pigs, butchering and charcuterie. Paul talks about the 3 videos that you can find on Brandon’s website and how he appreciated watching them because of their art, humor and poetry talking about how you can best use pork, starting from the pig in the field to […]

127 – Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture Chapter 2 Part 3

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts , Sepp Holzer - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton continues reviewing chapter 2 of Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture with Kelda Miller, this time on animal shelters. Paul compares Sepp shelters to Mike Oehler structures. Both have a thick earthen roof. They talk about quickly made, less permanent structures for pigs. They talk about different woods you could use. These shelters can be used […]

125 – Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture Chapter 2

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts , Sepp Holzer - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton continues reviewing Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture with Kelda Miller, reading chapter 2 on alternative way to keep livestock. Sepp likes old pig breeds, and talks about using pigs around fruit trees and how grazing animals help biodiversity. Paul shares about doing the paddock shift sytem with his pigs. He mentions Allan Savory‘s wagon wheel method, and how he prefers using […]

022 – Raising Pigs

Published 13 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts , Sepp Holzer - 0 Comments

Be forewarned that this pod cast has some audio issues that were beyond our technical expertise to repair. Paul and Jocelyn speak about pigs form all points of view. First we must say pigs are considered the best livestock to raise in permaculture and second they are Sepp Holzer’s beloved farm workers. Paul starts from […]

016 – Maddy Harland of Permaculture Magazine

In this podcast Paul interviews Maddy Harland who is the supreme ruler of Permaculture Magazine. Maddie starts off by describing her time with Sepp Holzer while visiting Portugal. She then explains the problems in the Iberian Peninsula. This area is very arid and very depopulated. Most people in this area are raising sheep and over […]
