Tag Archives for " animal shelters "

127 – Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture Chapter 2 Part 3

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts , Sepp Holzer - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton continues reviewing chapter 2 of Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture with Kelda Miller, this time on animal shelters. Paul compares Sepp shelters to Mike Oehler structures. Both have a thick earthen roof. They talk about quickly made, less permanent structures for pigs. They talk about different woods you could use. These shelters can be used […]

022 – Raising Pigs

Published 13 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts , Sepp Holzer - 0 Comments

Be forewarned that this pod cast has some audio issues that were beyond our technical expertise to repair. Paul and Jocelyn speak about pigs form all points of view. First we must say pigs are considered the best livestock to raise in permaculture and second they are Sepp Holzerā€™s beloved farm workers. Paul starts from […]
