Tag Archives for " Joel Salatin "

283 – Permaculture Voices

Published 10 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul, Jocelyn and Bart are driving to the San Diego Airport from Permaculture Voices. They review their experience at the conference and express how amazing the conference was. They talk about the value of the possible videos that Diego will probably release. They talk about the amazing time they had staying in a house with […]

Podcast 270 – Review of don’t Eat Anything with a Face Part 2

Published 10 years ago in Podcasts , Review - 0 Comments

Credit: Sally Chang This podcast is a continuation of the discussion of the NPR program Intelligence2 Debate: Should We Avoid Eating Anything With A Face (see podcast 269 for link). Paul wonders if vegans and vegetarians are truly aware of the actual facts of how their vegetables are grown–a process that includes lots of tilling […]

Podcast 269 – Review of don’t Eat Anything with a Face Part 1

Published 10 years ago in Podcasts , Review - 0 Comments

Credit: Sally Chang Paul, Jocelyn, Tony, Emily and Erika discuss an episode of the NPR program, Intelligence2, called Debate: Should We Avoid Eating Anything With A Face? On the pro side is Dr. Neal Barnard and Gene Baur; the nay side includes Chris Masterjohn and Joel Salatin. You can listen to the episode here The […]

Podcast 258 – Review of Paul’s Meeting with Joel Salatin Part 2

Published 11 years ago in income , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Credit: Susan McGuiness Joel Salatin has many excellent ideas about making one’s farm into a viable business. See: You Can Farm: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Start and Succeed in a Farming Enterprise and Pastured Poultry Profits. These are his 2 books on the subject, classics in the field. Currently, Joel Salatin says he gets 25% […]

Podcast 257 – Review of Paul’s Meeting with Joel Salatin Part 1

Published 11 years ago in income , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Credit: Susan McGuinness Paul and Garrett start discussing their interaction with Joel Salatin in a restaurant in Moscow, Idaho. Lectures and workshops with both Paul and Joel Salatin had been held in late June, 2013 at Palouse Permaculture. Paul gives his grandfather’s recipe for Basted Eggs. Punctuality issues: Paul likes to get to presentations early, […]
