All posts in "Permaculture"

341 – Hugelkultur Listener Questions With Cassie – Part 3

Published 8 years ago in irrigation , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul continues answering permies’ members questions about hugelkultur with Cassie. If you live in an area where there is 100% sand should you import topsoil? When you have pure sand, Paul says to never buy topsoil, however he will see a spot in a field with good soil and they are about to develop it […]

338 – Summer Overview of Wheaton Labs Part 3

Published 8 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

In part 3, Paul, Jocelyn, Evan and Fred conclude the review of this year’s aestival adventures at Wheaton Laboratories. Here’s what happened in summer, 2015: Wofati 0.8 received an attractive facing upgrade by Jesse Grimes. Internal partitions were reduced for improved lighting and circulation. Free Cycles is donating 10 of their finest mounts as well […]

337 – Summer Overview of Wheaton Labs Part 2

Published 8 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul, Jocelyn, Evan the ant and Fred the gapper keep talking of on what was been going on at Wheaton Labs this summer. They speak of the food they ate from the gardens at the labs. The largest harvest they got was of Sunchokes. The sunchokes had some issues with digestion but all agree they […]

336 – Summer Overview of Wheaton Labs Part 1

Published 8 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Part one of a three part podcast. Paul is joined by Jocelyn, Evan the ant and Fred the gapper. Over the summer Jack Spirko asked Paul to do a once a week update on what was going on at Wheaton Labs. Paul kept good notes and all the folks present have been at the lab […]

335 – What to Expect When Visiting Wheaton Labs Part 2

Published 8 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

In part 2, Paul continues his conversation with gapper Fred Tyler. Paul discusses issues he has had with people who want to socialize more than actually get any work done. Paul talks briefly about his weight and work ethic, in response to a comment made by a troll on Reddit. (see part 1, podcast 334) […]

334 – What to Expect When Visiting Wheaton Labs Part 1

Published 8 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

In this podcast, Paul sits down with Fred Tyler, a gapper of 6 months in the gapper 2.0 program. Paul’s goal is to give a clear picture of what it is like to be a gapper or ant, in order to make sure people know what they are getting into. A more detailed update of […]

333 – Maddy Harland on Most Recent Issue of Permaculture Magazine Part 2

Published 8 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Maddy Harland opens with a discussion on crop protection. Stephanie Hafferty work with Charles Dowding and his methods for no dig gardening. His core income is from gardening and selling salad to local restaurants. The article shares some of the real secrets of how to grow in raised bed systems and minimize pest damage without […]

332 – Maddy Harland on Most Recent Issue Of Permaculture Magazine

Published 8 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Part one of a two-part podcast with Maddy Harland. Paul sits down with her to discuss issue 86 of Permaculture magazine. Right away, they discuss how it should be fresh on the shelves in the US at the time this podcast is released. Paul considers this issue one of his favorites. Three things make him […]

331 – Hugelkultur, Water Systems, and Land Texture with Erica Houck Part 2

Published 8 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Part of a set of podcasts where Paul and Jocelyn are in Oregon. They’ve been discussing a number of things with Erica Houck and are now addressing a number of questions. Part two begins with a discussion of a huckleberry pie that went missing in Paul’s presence. After a confession, the conversation shifts to nettles […]

330 – Community, Ponds, and Quack Grass with Erica Houck Part 1

Published 8 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

A feline named Henry joins Paul for this interview. Paul and Jocelyn go to Erica’s after a funeral for his aunt Donna Lee, near Enterprise Oregon. She took Paul in when he was 16. His Aunt was from Joseph, Oregon and Paul graduated high school near the area too. Paul’s Grandfather was a tour guide […]

329 – Questions From Jet Packer Davin Hoyt Part 3

Published 8 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Podcast 3 The third of three podcasts where Paul and Jocelyn sit down with Davin Hoyt, who has watched every single podcast. It starts immediately with Paul asking the question of where do we get our organic food. Paul and Jocelyn explain where they go in Missoula, listing multiple locations that includes a ‘small world’ […]

328 – Questions from Jet Packer Davin Hoyt Part 2

Published 8 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Davin Hoyt Continues to ask Paul questions because he has listened to every single podcast. Thermal inertia and moisture barrier. What is a wing wall? A wall that retains the soil against the exterior wall from the corner of the wofati. This is a retaining wall based on elevation change. This transitions from the side […]

327 – Questions From Jet Packer Davin Hoyt Part 1

Published 8 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul sits down with Davin Hoyt who has listened to every single one of the podcasts. He mentions how if anyone listens to all the podcasts, they can make a list of questions (that cover stuff not in the previous podcasts), and he will sit down with you and answer those questions in a new […]

326 – Questions From Morgan Bowen; Trees; the PDC at Wheaton Labs; the Ant Village

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul sits down with Morgan Bowen. Morgan (the man who peed on a mountain lion) has listened to all of the podcasts Paul has produced, mainly while soaking in the tub. As they reminisce about the mountain lion, they go over what animals are in the area, concluding none would harm adult humans. Since Morgan […]

325 – Alone in the Wilderness, the Story of Dick Proeneke

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul sits down with Evan, the first Ant in Ant Village. Paul asks Evan some introductory questions about how things have been going on his plot. They start to go over the film, “Alone in the Wilderness, the story of Dick Proeneke. Paul sets out to try and figure out just how long it took […]

324 – The Ant Village Explained Part 2

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul and Jocelyn continue from part 1 on explaining Ant Village. Paul shares his initial excitement about the concept, and how his previous community project involving gappers ended up steering away from his values. Paul expresses how ant village is much more aligned with where his values are. Paul paints a picture of the future […]

323 – The Ant Village Explained Part 1

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

It’s official, at wheaton laboratories there’s going to be a free PDC for ants, their gappers and deep roots people. So if someone wants to come an attend the PDC that can show up as gappers and follow the fourteen day PDC, with PRI teacher Howard Story. There’s a whole thread on this on Wheaton […]

322 – Transition to Ant Village Part 2

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

When Paul was young he tried to be someone who everyone got along with but he realized that this made him very unhappy. Paul likens himself to a bulldozer. With Gappers, this can be a problem. With Ants, Paul thinks he would have no problem eating three meals with them. Paul is not big on […]

321 – Transition to Ant Village Part 1

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul and Jocelyn continue on with the new updates at Wheaton Labs and basecamp. He gives some background on the first ant Evan, and soon to be ant Nick. Paul expresses how since recording around 4 hours of updates in podcasts, it has freed up a lot of time for him. Jocelyn points out a […]

320 – Gapper Problems

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul and Jocelyn warn that they are going to talk about some of the problems and some people might not like this. Jocelyn states that community and people systems are 90% of the permaculture at the farm. Paul has been at some communities where the people are very miserable. When the labs started it was […]
