All posts in "Permaculture"

318 – Wheaton Laboratory Update Part 2

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul and Jocelyn continue from part one, with their discussion about community, and the big changes at Wheaton Labs. Paul starts off expressing how trial and error are the core of experimentation, and how he’s happy to look at the failures and see how to make changes. They discuss mistakes – and how they are […]

315 – More on Rocket Mass Heaters with Ernie and Erica Wisner Part 1

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton sits down with Ernie and Erica Wisner to do a turbo podcast about rocket mass heaters. Ernie starts by asking Jocelyn what she feels about having the RMH sitting in the middle of the living room for so long, unable to be used. Jocelyn gives a few downsides to having that but goes […]

314- Winter Update from the Labs Part 2

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul and Jocelyn continue their discussion about what has been happening at the labs this winter. The temperatures dropped and it required that a Rocket Mass Heater (RMH) be installed inside the wofati. The temps were very cold inside and outside the WOFATI and there’s a draft problem. When the wind blows, it can go […]

311 – More Intentional Community with Diana Leafe Christian Part 3

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Part three of the podcast picks up with a question about what she thinks of the idea that a community functions best by finding out what the women want and giving them that? Taking a moment to decide on her response, Diana responds that she isn’t quite able to relate to the question well enough […]

310 – More Intentional Community with Diana Leafe Christian Part 2

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Podcast 310 is the second of a three piece series with Diana Leafe Christian discussing intentional community. Diana begins the podcast with a truism coined by her friend and the founder of the

309 – More Intentional Community with Diana Leafe Christian Part 1

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul interviews Diane over a land line due to some technical difficulties. Paul has four items to go over and then a bunch of questions from Diane will be a speaker at PV2 this year. Paul thinks that PV2 is going to be a big hit again this year. Diane plans to talk about […]

308 – Interview With Diana Leafe Christian Part 3

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul starts off by talking about an expression he think applies to the non-violent communication discussion. Someone once told him that “church is not a showcase for saints, but a hospital for sinners” and he compares this to school of non violent communication because people who are coming to it are definitely not good at […]

307 – Interview With Diana Leafe Christian Part 2

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul starts off by mentioning how the last half of the last podcast they made got ruined so now they are now re-recording that. Diana wants to make it clear that she has a basic disagreement from Paul. She believes he has made an extrapolation of a too small sample by saying that most conflict […]

306 – Rocket Mass Heater Innovators Event Part 3

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

In the last part of this podcast, Paul and the innovators discuss the safer burn of the batch box. With this style and you can feel safer walking away just like a regular stove. This would have a door that would close and so you can have much more confidence leaving it alone. Ernie does […]

305 – Rocket Mass Heater Innovators Event Part 2

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

In this podcast, the innovators from the Rocket Mass Heater event at the labs continue their discussion. They begin by talking about the Matt Walker Outdoor Cooker Patio Heater. He explains it is just a standard J-tube with and insulative refractor and it is buried in the ground so that it will be at a […]

304 – Rocket Mass Heater Innovators Event Part 1

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

In this podcast Paul and all of the innovators discuss the most recent rocket mass heater workshop/innovator’s eventthat just finished at the labs. The first project they talk about is the standard 8 inch cob system with no frills and no bells and whistles, that was built that into wofati 0.8. They got word that […]

303 – Interview with Willie Smits

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

In this podcast, Paul talks with Willie Smits while he is at the labs for the Rocket Mass Heater workshop. He first talks about his university in Indonesia, and the half a million acres farm he has recently come by. Paul notes that the information about him on the internet is sparse. He is famous […]

302 – Interview With Diana Leafe Christian Part 1

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

In this podcast Paul interviews Diana Leafe Christian, author of two books on community living, and editor of Communities magazine for fourteen years. Her basis of knowledge is her interaction with an extraordinarily large number of intentional communities – her current count is about 134 communities around the globe. She’s found that only a tiny […]

301- Laboratory Update Part 3

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul starts this podcast off by mentioning how they have a new couple to live in the tipi because Tony and Emily are moving on to other adventures. Then they talk about their one source of drama at the lab, the pig bucket.It is just a bucket of scraps to take to the pigs but […]

300- Laboratory Update Part 2

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul begins this podcast by talking about their rumford fireplace that one of the gapper built. They talk a little bit about other projects the gappers have been working on and what all they have built. The next thing on the list they mention is the wofatis. Wofati 0.7 and wofati 0.8 still need to […]

299 – Laboratory Update Part 1

Published 9 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

In this podcast, Paul and Jocelyn discuss the progress going on at the lab. They take a bit of time to go over the reasons why the haven’t done a podcast in a while, and the main one is the whole getting money thing. They talk about different money expenses and how this year has […]

298 – PermaEthos Part 2

Published 10 years ago in homesteading , income , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

In podcast 298, Paul continues his discussion with Jack Spirko, from The Survival Podcast, and Josiah Wallingford, from Brink of Freedom, about their latest project, PermaEthos. Jack and Josiah begin by talking about the opportunity to be an Element Partner with them on one of their farms. Basically, an element partner would find an element […]

297 – PermaEthos Part 1

In podcast 297, Paul chats with Jack Spirko, from The Survival Podcast, and Josiah Wallingford, from Brink of Freedom, about their new project, PermaEthos. Paul claims they contacted him just to brag about the funding they got, all without kickstarter. However Jack and Jos expressed they were just happy that 8% of their community’s money […]

294 – Solar Powered Homestead Part 2

In Podcast 294 Paul, Rick, Jason, Steve Heckeroth, and Stuart Davis continue their review of the solar workshop. They begin by noting the power of one image on Steve’s presentation that demonstrated the massive amounts of solar energy the sun gave in the last 100 years compared to the tiny amount of petroleum we have […]

293 – Solar Powered Homestead Part 1

In this podcast, Paul, Rick, Jason, Steve Heckeroth, and Stuart Davis summarize the week long solar workshop that just took place at the laboratory. Paul starts off by talking about the skiddable bee hut that teepee dwellers, Tony and Emily, finished this week. He also announces that Tony and Emily are leaving so they are […]
