065 – Deviating from the Norm Part 2

Published 13 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton and Jocelyn Campbell talk about where Paul deviates from the permaculture mainstream. Paul first mentions the deliciousness of kale chips. He then talks about how probably 1/2 of permaculture folks are vegan, and he is an omnivore. He has a lot of respect for vegans though. Paul does not use chicken tractors, but prefers the paddock shift system. The way chicken tractors are often used is not very humane for the chickens.

People often draw out land maps for permaculture design, with a time scale, but Paul leaves things very open for change. Paul has differing opinions of how to put on events than many other permaculture folks. He is not a fan of free (no work) scholarships, and how speakers have to pay for tickets. He also prefers to set up events more than 1 month in advance.

Paul censors people on the forums. Paul “does not fear the full beauty of the English language.” Paul sincerely wants to live with 20 people, comfortably, under 1 roof. He dislikes using paint or wood preservatives.

Paul doesn’t use rain barrels, thinks compost piles become irrelevant, he prefers not bringing things in, because they could be toxic, such as the manure of an animal that was de-wormed. It may take you years to get something bad out of your soil. Paul thinks it’s important to be more inclusive than exclusive in what counts as permaculture.

He prefers planting trees from seed. He prefers having portable animal shelters (no mucking out). He has animals harvest their own food. He prefers “being an asshole” in deer control. He likes his chickens to have a livestock guardian dog.

He is a fan of having lawns. He prefers wofati structures over strawbale. He likes 6 foot tall hugelkultur beds. He prefers growing from seed, in general as opposed to transplanting. He believes that people aren’t really “equal.” He is skeptical about “Truth,” and trendy beliefs and information. And lastly, Paul prefers conversation with substance.

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