066 – Kelly Ware Permaculture Gatherings

Published 13 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton and Kelly Ware of the Flathead Lake area talk about Sepp Holzer, and how Sepp is coming to Montana next May, 2012. Sepp will be speaking on topics like: restoring/building wetlands, pond building/aquaculture, mushrooms, reading nature, permaculture economics, and food and meat preservation.

Kelly and Paul talk about the importance of aquaculture, and its timeliness with recent flooding Kelly has seen taking place. Paul brings up the Inland Northwest Permaculture Convergence, where he will be presenting on rocket mass heaters, wofati eco buildings, and replacing irrigation with permaculture.

Paul brings up the video he is making that features Michael Pilarski (Skeeter). It is about beneficial weeds in a young food forest, and polyculture. Paul mentions that the best way to be in touch with videos and things Paul releases is to sign up for his dailyish email. Paul shares about some urban permaculture land for sale by Norris and Tulsi in Portland, and Kelly shares about her urban permaculture lot for sale in Polson, MT. Norris has recorded caloric gain from his urban lot over 5.5 years, and unfortunately, it has not been enough to meet his and Tulsi’s needs.

There has only been enough to meet half of Tulsi’s needs. The two of them think they will get more food per acre in a tropical area, and are moving to Hawaii. Paul comments on a response to his previous podcast, on deviating from the permaculture norm. Paul gets tired of pictures and poetry when he wants to learn more of substance at permaculture gatherings. And lastly, Paul mentions the permaculture singles forum out at permies.com.

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Sepp Holzer Forum at permies
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Permaculture Singles Forum

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