Tag Archives for " freedom "

160 – Growing Your Own

Published 12 years ago in homesteading , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton talks to Chaya from pantryparatus.com and others at the PDC in Dayton, MT. Chaya asks why should people grow their own food and support farmers markets. Paul talks about the ability to control your own consumption. Paul talks about “noxious weeds” and native plants. They talk a bit about the goals of Monsanto. […]

102 – Thrive

Published 12 years ago in Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton and Jocelyn Campbell review the film, Thrive. They also mention the graphic novel by Derrick Jensen, “As the World Burns: 50 simple things you can do to stay in denial.” Jack Spirko’s listeners and Transition Town groups would possibly be aligned with this movie. Foster Gamble, the main speaker in the film, explains […]
