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Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:01:49 — 10.7MB) | Embed
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Paul sits down with Uncle Mud (Chris McClellan) to talk about the new Rocket Mass Heater in the Red Cabin, some history of the prior 4, and what they want from future designs, such as a riser made of firebricks, and bickering on how efficient the mass should be. Support the podcast on Patreon Show […]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:00:37 — 10.5MB) | Embed
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Bonnie’s consultation on her half acre plot of clay-full soil in New Mexico continues into topics of apple tree seeding, drip irrigation, hugelkultur, chicken management, the Ruth Stout method of composting, and just how Paul manages to stay optimistic (hint: it involves gardens). Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information and […]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 48:26 — 8.4MB) | Embed
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Paul has a new victim in the form of Bonnie Bassan and her roughly half acre New Mexico property. The place has a lot of clay, 10″ of precipitation, and a lot of wind. Sounds like a perfect place for Hugelkultur, just needs a bit of irrigation for a while to build the soil. Support […]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 15:54 — 2.8MB) | Embed
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Paul was talking apple orchards and commodity markets with Samantha when she managed to sum it up so well that he had to make a podlet out of it while also touching on the overall state of farmers, their pay, and how they’re getting screwed over by the markets. Support the podcast on Patreon Show […]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:27:31 — 15.1MB) | Embed
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Another poor fool has parted with cash and gotten a consultation from Paul! Tim Kostamo has a 10-acre property in British Colombia with plenty of trees, water, and poor soil. Paul’s advice includes hugelkultur, conifer removal, taking it slow, and building wavy deer fences. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information […]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 58:55 — 10.2MB) | Embed
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Paul and Uncle Mud continue the discussion of the home heating infographic (permies.com/heat), with this episode talking more about how Rocket Mass Heaters compare in terms of market volatility, automation, maintenance, and durability with other heating methods. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information and discussion of this podcast on this […]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:00:56 — 10.6MB) | Embed
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Paul and Uncle Mud discuss the home heating infographic which they published on permies.com/heat, although since it was made, the price of electricity has gone up by 30%, and how Rocket Mass Heaters compare to other heating methods in terms of installation, operation, carbon footprint, and a bunch more. Support the podcast on Patreon Show […]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 49:36 — 8.6MB) | Embed
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Janelle’s consultation with Paul continues into (surprise, surprise) hugelkultur. Along with using swales and stones to create cold pockets and thermal inertia for microclimate adjustment, soil building, and water acquisition via taprooted trees. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information and discussion of this podcast on this thread at Permies.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 49:34 — 8.6MB) | Embed
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One Janelle Quint was foolish enough to give Paul money for a consultation, so he recorded it. She has a property in California with a wide temperature range, wind, poor soil, predators, and a creek. Paul’s suggestions include berms, ponds, goldfish, and livestock guardian dogs, amongst others. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and […]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:21:15 — 14.0MB) | Embed
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Paul continues his discussion with a collection of people he’s gathered on the subject of the library’s Rocket Mass Heater modifications, while also taking questions from chat, and comparing Batch Box and J-Tube style heaters from the perspective of newbie builders. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information and discussion of […]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:04:24 — 11.1MB) | Embed
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Paul rounds up a bunch of people to discuss Rocket Mass Heaters, specifically the one in the library and what they’ve done to modify it this time, including removing the bypass and guillotine, adding a stratification chamber, and trying out a passive plug that should keep heat in when not in use. Support the podcast […]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:18:59 — 13.6MB) | Embed
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Paul’s got himself a new toy and is giving it a trial run on YouTube by answering a fairly large question: if someone from the future came and told him that working 80 hours a week for 3 years would make a big positive change, would he? What about if stopping would result in 10 […]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 54:42 — 9.4MB) | Embed
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Paul finishes up the pod with Dez, Samantha, and Steven, talking about the bootcamp program, why boots aren’t paid with cash, comparing new boots to farmhands in terms of experience and ability, and pointing out that bootcamp is kinda unique in all of America. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information […]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 55:38 — 9.6MB) | Embed
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Paul, Dez, Samantha, and Steven keep on talking about how they each transitioned from normies to their new permie selves, to such a degree that some find it hard to even approach their old lives and find what some consider laborious demands to be met almost casually. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and […]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 56:28 — 9.7MB) | Embed
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It’s Christmas eve, and Paul is up with Steven, Dez, and Samantha to talk about their transition from normies with worky jobs to permies, their experiences with other communities, and why they decided to stick around Wheaton Labs instead of any of the prior ones. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More […]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 56:49 — 9.8MB) | Embed
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Paul and Cat 2 continue from part 1, discussing how Paul got into permaculture, his experience with permaculture communities, how good of a boot he’d be, if Paul would have gotten into permaculture if modern courses and materials were available when he were a lad, and finishing off with relationships. Support the podcast on Patreon […]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 55:44 — 9.7MB) | Embed
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Paul is talking with Cat 2, who came up with the idea that he should do a more biographical kind of podcast. She has a list of questions for Paul and his history, including his inspirations, how he went from a software engineer to the Duke of Permaculture, and how he got into gardening. Support […]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:10:59 — 12.3MB) | Embed
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Paul continues to brainstorm (with Katie, Cindy, and Jay) on the subject of how to spend $500,000 so that it effects a positive change and also earns back the money, going over ideas such as GAMCOD, wofati construction videos, affiliate marketing, TED talks, and a bunch more. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and […]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:23:05 — 14.4MB) | Embed
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Paul, Jay and Katie continue brainstorming on the subject of how to spend a hypothetical donation of $500,000 so that it effects a positive change in the world and also repays the investment, including ideas such as investments, advertising, documentary making, and a whole bunch more. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion […]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:15:37 — 13.1MB) | Embed
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Paul sits down with a few of his patreons about a hypothetical investment into Wheaton Labs, namely how he could make the money back so it could become self-perpetuating. Ideas include Rocket Mass Heater installers, Wofati builders, social media presence, and a bunch more. Support the podcast on Patreon Show notes and discussion More information […]