372 – Well

Published 7 years ago in homesteading , Paul's farm , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Today’s podcast is about rural wells and fixing things yourself. It’s Paul talking to Fred about the prolonged adventure of repairing the well down at basecamp when it stopped functioning a few weeks ago. They were without water for 15 days, but they did get the job done! It just took… a whole lot longer than it seemed like it would when they started. And several people. And several purpose made tools. I don’t want to detail the story here because some of the humor comes from the surprises.

Suffice to say there were multiple surprises and the well at basecamp for Wheaton Labs is a very special well.

Credit: Julia Winter

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You can discuss this podcast on this thread at Permies.

This podcast was made possible thanks to:

Julia Mason
wade L
Jason Hower
Bill Crim
Doug Barth
One Community
Mark Allen
Kelton Mitchell
David Ingraham

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