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Tag Archives for " rocket mass heaters "

Podcast 271 – Rocket Mass Heater Shippable Core Update

Paul and Erica discuss shippable cores along with work done at the tipi. One of the days during the workshop included flooding the tipi with heat because the mass was frozen, frozen rock solid. The next day, after heating up the mass the heater worked much better. There were many projects going on all at […]

Podcast 241 – Ernie and Erica on Rocket Stoves Uses and Efficiency

It’s time to talk about rocket stoves mass heaters again! We haven’t had a podcast with Paul, Ernie and Erica since last year, after the GIGANTO rocket stove workshop. After they recorded that podcast they were actually inspired to go out and do some more fire stuff, so they can talk about that here. But […]

196 – Rocket Mass Heaters w/ Ernie & Erica

Paul discusses Rocket Mass Heaters with Ernie & Erica prior to the Rocket Mass Heater Workshop (The Rockfest) coming up October 26th through the 28th, 2012 in Missoula, MT. Topics covered include details of the workshop and associated events.

178 – Livestock Guardians and Rocket Mass Heaters

Paul Wheaton talks to Matt Walker, who has made rocket mass heaters, and is raising livestock guardian dogs. Matt has a great pyrenees and a northwest farm terrier, and the great pyrenees performs a little better. The terrier is great for catching rats. They talk about barking. They talk about deer control and the garden. […]

153 – Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture Chapter 5 Part 3

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts , Sepp Holzer - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton and Alex Ojeda talk about permie swag. Paul talks about his not having a farm right now, and his plan for having a farm. He talks about a Paul Wheaton Community. He talks about making the big bucks with permaculture. Paul talks about husp (Horticulture for the United States of Pocahantas). They continue […]

underfloor heating system with a rocket mass heater

Erica Wisner shows us some of the latest innovation with rocket mass heaters. This time there are two innovations. One is sub floor heating. The heat of the rocket mass heater exhaust is routed under the floor and then outside. The other is heat bypass valve – the heat is the routed directly outside, bypassing […]

128 – Rocket Mass Heaters, Money, and Permaculture

Paul Wheaton talks with Daniel Hatfield, an Australian permaculturalist, about rocket mass heaters. He is trying to get Ernie and Erica out to Australia to teach about rocket mass heaters, and is seeking some marketing help. Paul explains how he feels about people using his material, and mentions his blog with free stuff for folks […]

greenhouse construction + rocket mass heater

Greenhouse construction with a rocket mas heater, including an excellent demonstration of the rocket mass heater sideways burn. The greenhouse construction class is taught by Ernie and Erica Wisner, featuring the rocket mass heater techniques of Ianto Evans (of cob cottage company fame). I cannot think of a better approach to greenhouse heating. This is […]

12 rocket stove mass heaters – efficient wood heat

Published 13 years ago in homesteading , rocket mass heater , Video - 0 Comments

A compilation of 12 rocket mass heaters. 8 video clips of rocket mass heaters, 2 video clips of pocket rockets, 1 picture from the cover of the book on rocket mass heaters and one drawing from me making a feeble attempt to explain what a rocket mass heater looks like. And look! A peek at […]

113 – Permaculture as a Household Word

Paul Wheaton talks with Jocelyn Campbell mention Paul’s pheasant video. They talk about farms having a “bone yard.” How could you imagine getting to a world where permaculture is a household word. Paul says that is his hope with the hugelkultur into the brains of 50 million thread. Jocelyn talks about how people don’t understand […]

One Cob Cottage at Cobville, with a Rocket Mass Heater

Published 13 years ago in Permaculture , rocket mass heater , Video - 0 Comments

People have been asking me for a video of a completed rocket mass heater, so I hereby submit this tiny video clip. There is the rocket stove with huge bench, a beautifully shaped cob structure complete with a few folks visiting in it.

wood burning stoves – super efficient rocket mass heater

Ernie and Erica Wisner have created over 700 rocket mass heaters, quite probably the most efficient woord burning stoves made. Ernie and Erica moderate the wood burning stoves forum at permies.com and help thousands of people build these stoves. This video is of their latest wood burning stove. They’ve had snow on the ground for […]

Rocket Stove Mass Heater Workshop How To Tutorial

Published 13 years ago in rocket mass heater , Video , wood heat - 0 Comments

Rocket Stove Mass Heater – I attended this workshop in February 2009. The primary instructor was Ianto Evans, author of “Rocket Mass Heaters: Superefficient Woodstoves YOU Can Build” other instructors included Ernie, Erica, Max and Kiko. Basically, this is a super efficient wood burning stove, with a cob bench bench thermal mass to hold the […]

104 – Rocket Mass Heaters with Ernie and Erica

Buy Ernie and Erica’s detailed plans Paul Wheaton talks with Ernie and Erica Wisner about rocket mass heaters. They talk about the boom-squish podcast Paul did with Caleb Larson on heating water with a rocket mass heater. They talk about heating coils, and the importance of a tall and vertical heat riser. Ernie talks about […]

098 – Hot Water

Paul talks with Caleb and Krista about rocket mass heaters and getting hot water out of the deal. They talk about possible explosion. Caleb describes what a pressure release valve is. Paul “explodes,” himself (regardings CFLs). They get into Jean Pain’s compost approach to heating water. Paul talks about solar hot water and legionella bacteria. […]

020 – Thirty tinkerers in thirty minutes

Published 13 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

This podcast is a recording of Paul’s Permaculture Tinkerers Presentation A Frank Zappa quote about deviation gets discussed and how we need to deviate from the norm to make changes. Paul explains where he got the inspiration for his thirty minute presentation. Rocket Mass Heaters are briefly discussed. Paul explains how some of the math […]

019 – Rocket mass heaters

Paul interviews Ernie and Erica Wisner about Rocket Mass Heaters. Paul discusses the videos he made where he makes a RMH. Ernie and Erica review Paul’s portable rocket mass heater design concept of putting a RMH on a trailer pulled by bicycles. Paul asks Ernie to critique his design in a constructively praise like manner. […]
