All posts in "less toxic living"

107 – Fluorescent Lighting

Published 13 years ago in less toxic living , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton talks with Jocelyn Campbell about a recent dinner they had with people who had a full energy audit on their house. They talk about CFL vs incandescent lightbulbs. They talk about the quality of fluorescent light. The audit didn’t mention anything about lifestyle habits or changes, like using a drying rack instead of […]

106 – Social Justice Big Picture with Kelda Miller

Paul Wheaton talks with Kelda Miller, who has taught several PDCs and is a current instructor. She spent 2 years at the Bullock Brothers Homestead. Kelda talks about ethics and admits she is a fan of Ayn Rand, the author of Atlas Shrugged. She quotes Starhawk on saying that gardening is the easy part of […]

104 – Rocket Mass Heaters with Ernie and Erica

Buy Ernie and Erica’s detailed plans Paul Wheaton talks with Ernie and Erica Wisner about rocket mass heaters. They talk about the boom-squish podcast Paul did with Caleb Larson on heating water with a rocket mass heater. They talk about heating coils, and the importance of a tall and vertical heat riser. Ernie talks about […]

100 – CFL Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs

Paul talks with Andrew Monkhouse, an epileptic friend of his from the world of software engineering. Andrew shares his story of discovering what triggered his attacks. He shares about the frequency of fluorescent lights, and how it affects him. Fluorescent lights take a while to warm up enough to its full brightness. Paul gets into […]

092 – Canning Worms Chickens Weeds

In this episode Paul sits down and has a chat with his friends Wilson and Kya. Wilson and Kya run Pantry Paratus selling homesteading gear. This Podcast was recorded in their booth at the ‘Inland Northwest Permaculture Conference’. It is a conference so there is a bit of noise in the background, but not much. […]

027 – Review Permaculture Soil Geoff Lawton

Paul Wheaton and Jocelyn Campbell review the movie, “Permaculture Soil,” with Geoff Lawton. Paul and Jocelyn thought Geoff did a good job discussing the topic of weeds as symptoms rather than problems. They think he could have done better talking about compost, and recommended Helen Atthowe‘s approaches. Geoff was into turning compost a lot, and his system seemed complex […]

017 – Food Matters, Cancer, Local Organic Nutrition, Toilets, Water

Paul and Jocelyn start out by talking about the documentary “Food Matters” Jocelyn fell asleep while watching it, Paul says “I watched the whole thing!” But first, they plan to also talk about water conservation. Also, Paul is setting up an email thing-a-ma-jigger and you should sign up (Ed: the dailyish email list, highly recommended). […]

013 – Vanishing of the Bees Movie Review

In this podcast Paul and Adrien review the movie Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by celebrity permaculturist, Ellen Page. They discuss how colony collapse disorder is heavily influenced by mono cultures and heavy use of pesticides and miteicides. Paul thinks that the movies gives a good message. The movie includes the perspective of commercial bee […]

008 – Beyond Organic Innovation

Paul starts off by expressing his opinions on organic practices and what he calls invert organic labeling. He thinks that all foods that are NOT organic should be labeled so. If something has pesticides, he thinks it should say so. He talks about his ideas regarding something he calls thewhole foods quality factor. Basically, his idea […]

006 – Cast Iron Cookware

Published 13 years ago in food , less toxic living , Podcasts - 0 Comments

In this podcast Jocelyn and Paul chat about about cast iron cookware, particularly skillets.They start by talking about Paul’s cast iron skillet article. He says that because people were still doubting his claims about eggs not sticking, he created this video to prove them wrong. They also mention the other video he has about cleaning […]

Tags: cast iron , food