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After visiting Missoula’s wastewater treatment plant, Paul and Heath Carrey from Montana organization of Soil scientist talk about human bodily waste management and poop beasts. They talk about the poplar project of the Missoula wastewater treatment plant to process poop Kool-Aid by putting it on a plot of poplar trees as a way to reduce the amount of […]
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In this podcast, Paul is in the car by himself and covers various subjects among which are polyculture food, land search update, and cancer. He talks about the Bullet Proof Executive. He mentions that he thinks like that author that grass fed beef is the healthiest food in a supermarket. Paul’s opinion is that grass […]
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Paul answers Eivind’s permaculture related questions. They talk about chickens and Paul expresses again how he dislikes chicken tractor. Eivind talks about the book City Chicks by Patricia Foreman that he has been reading on the trip. He says how he is disapointed that the author thinks that one can only grow up to 20% […]
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In part 2 of the podcast where Paul, Jocelyn, and Eivind recap their permaculture tour. They talk about their time in the San Diego area where Paul did a presentation on replacing irrigation with permaculture. Then they talk about the Phoenix portion where Paul did his ”Thirty tinkerers in thirty minute” presentation. Eivind mentioned that […]
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The 2012 Symphonies in Seed and Soil Permaculture Tour is over. During this tour, Paul Wheaton, Jocelyn Campbell, Eivind Bjørkavåg, and Geoff Badenoch visited amazing permaculture sites in the Western United States and met many people. In this podcast, Paul, Jocelyn and Eivind try to remember all the different things that they saw that has not already […]
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In podcast 215, Glenn Kangiser and Paul Wheaton discuss Glenn’s Oehler structure. Paul studies the underground cabin as Glenn takes him on a tour of the organic house on the Kangiser homestead in central California. In the beginning, Glenn read Mike Oehler’s book and decided he could build it then began work on his unconventional home […]
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Paul is in San Francisco with Carol Steinfeld author of Liquid Gold, where they continue the theme of bodily fluids, dog poo, composting toilets and other waste management techniques, equipment and methods.
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Paul describes the content of the two Art Ludwig Podcasts that are being offered. Visit http://permies.com/podcasts/ to get these two spectacular podcasts.
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Paul is in San Francisco with Carol Steinfeld author of Liquid Gold, where they continue the theme of bodily fluids, dog poo, composting toilets, and other waste management techniques, equipment and methods.
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Paul & Jocelyn recap the recent trip to Steve Heckeroth’s farm near Albion, California, from the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco. They go over the aesthetics of his outhouses, his swimming pool and his electric tractors. They also talk about other stops on the tour.
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Paul brings up the subject of women peeing outdoors and mentions how he has been trying to make a video on this subject for a long time and the difficulties in getting women to participate. Anna Birkas who is in the process of writing a book called “How to Pee Without TP”, leads the conversation […]
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Paul and Eivind are at Woodleaf Farm where they discuss yellowjackets and methods to control them and then they have a quick synopsis of the last few stops on the Tour. They revisit some of the things they have seen on the different farms they have visited. Paul tells of having his first orange off […]
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Paul, Jocelyn and Eivind discuss the realities of practical permaculture depending upon environment, climate, soil and a multitude of other factors with Marina and Robert of Dell Artemis Farm. They talked about the challenges of practicing permaculture and farming techniques compared to the hypothetical notion of being completely self-sufficient from farming in any given environment. […]
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This is part 2 of 2, Planning & Goal Setting. Paul talks with the folks of Dell Artemis farm about planning, goal setting, and structuring holistic resource management, along with leadership roles and decision making processes.
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Paul talks with the folks of Dell Artemis farm about planning, goal setting, and structuring holistic resource management, along with leadership roles and decision making processes. Part 1 of 2. Relevent links: Dell Artemis Farms: Name this farm (Dell Artemis) http://www.permies.com/t/3429/meaningless-drivel/help-us-name-farm Dell Artemis on Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/fishermansdaughter/sets/72157605315077337/ Dell Artemis Slideshow:
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The Symphony in Seed & Soil Tour 2012 live from the “The Dogwood Diner” in Dunsmir, California Over breakfast Paul, Jocelyn, Geoff and Eivind summarize the highlights of the Symphony in Seed & Soil Tour after six days on the road and two weeks out of Montana if the pre-tour events are included. They discuss […]
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Paul opens the podcast with a parrot joke and Jimmy Pardo playing music in the background. The Symphony of Seed & Soil Tour 2012 is at Ludemans Outdoor Furniture store in Beaverton, Oregon to give a presentation. Paul fields questions from the crowd concerning urban vs rural gardening, permaculture vs organic, and elaborates on topics […]
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Paul answers more questions from the Beaverton presentation. Topics covered during the Q&A were having hugelkulture beds in conjunction with livestock, hugelkulture orientation, cattle feed, going hayless, reclamation of land, beneficial plants for reclamation, grafting and how to choose the ideal parcel of land to start fresh with permaculture. Also slopeland, wofati, rotational grazing, riparian […]
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Part II of the visit to Friendly Haven Rise Farm continues the discussion on voles, and then moves on to hanging beef, optimizing profit on the farm, bonding with the soil and being in tune with the land, teaching permaculture basics, turkeys and bees. A highlight of the discussion was their belief in the associated […]
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Paul visits Joseph & Jacqueline Freeman of Friendly Haven Rise Farm in Battleground Washington while on the 2012 Symphony with Seeds and Soil Tour. The first podcast covers how they found their farm and the 68 things anyone looking for a homestead should take into consideration during the process of finding a suitable location, slug […]