All posts in "Podcasts"

062 – Fiction Book List

Published 12 years ago in Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton and Jocelyn Campbell host the podcast on the beach (while being laughed at by passerbys for being geeks on their phones) to talk about different fiction books and magazines that are relevant to the permaculture community. Paul explains he isn’t sure why anyone would want to listen to a podcast with him listing […]

Tags: noble

061 – Book List Part 2

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton and Jocelyn Campbell first share about their tidepooling experience while on the Oregon coast. They then finish going through a list of books, mostly related to gardening and permaculture, that have made an impact on Paul. Here are the books they discuss: Allan Savory‘s Holistic Management, on reversing desertification through the grazing of […]

060 – Book List Part 1

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton and Jocelyn Campbell go through a list of books, mostly related to gardening and permaculture, that have made an impact on Paul. He would take notes mostly on the pH certain plants needed and companion planting information. He mentions how different kinds of mulches do well with different kinds of plants. He brings […]

Tags: Salatin

059 – Early Retirement Extreme

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul interviews Jacob from (There is also a thread on Early Retirement Extreme (ERE) at They talk about Jacob’s experience retiring at 33 (he’s 35 now), and how he got to that point. There are different levels of “extreme” one can take, depending on what is comfortable, but, as Jacob says, “The point […]

058 – Review of Ben Law’s Roundwood Timber Framing Movie

Published 12 years ago in Podcasts , woodland care - 0 Comments

Paul, Krista, and Caleb review the movie Roundwood Timber Framing with Ben Law. Paul says that he dislikes the word “forest” compared to Ben Law’s “woodland.” They describe some tools used to work with roundwood, such as a rounding plane. You make your peg sort of octagonal and put it through what is more or […]

057 – Preparing a Food Forest

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul and Joe talk about turning the back of her property to a food forest. They begin talking about the success of rhubarb–a nitrogen pig–and growing it in hugelkultur beds. Paul mentions putting a sun scoop in–a horseshoe-shaped garden. The curved end would grow the tallest things. They look at Joe’s siberian pea shrub and […]

056 – Horticulture of the United States of Pocahontas

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton swings in from the jungle to sit down with Dave Bennett and talk about Horticulture of the United States of Pocahantas (husp). It’s a concept that Paul has made up, and posted about initially on the permies forum. Paul expresses his aim in permaculture and how it differs from most people, and how […]

055 – Review of Gaia’s Garden, Chapter 6

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton and Jocelyn Campbell sit down to review Toby Hemenway’s Gaia’s Garden – Chapter Six – Plants for Many Uses. Paul opens the podcast looking for praise on his new mullein video. Paul discusses his motivations for making the video and how it all came together. Jocelyn ties the video in with Chapter 6 […]

054 – Jack Spirko on Modern Survivalism

Published 12 years ago in homesteading , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton talks with Jack Spirko of The Survival Podcast. Jack shares about Bill Mollison’s story, as well as about the immunity of self-reliant folks during economically harder times, like the Great Depression. Paul and Jack discuss the productive utilization of permaculture rather than hype. They emphasize creating profit, and how “permaculture” does not have […]

053 – Toby Hemenway on Native Plants

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton and Toby Hemenway, author of Gaia’s Garden, talk about native plants. Toby shares about preferring native, and then, when the native doesn’t do the job, bringing in plants known not to be a problem or take over. He shares about various exotic plants. Purple loosestrife cleans up pollution, attracts native pollinators–clean the water […]

051 – Toby Hemenway on Permaculture Ethics

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul reviews the third ethic with Toby Hemingway. Toby finds it ironic that people are quick to tell him he should be giving away his book as surplus. Toby goes through some history on how he got his first workshop paid for. When people come to Toby looking for a break on a price he […]

050 – Toby Hemenway animal problems to solutions

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts , Sepp Holzer - 0 Comments

Paul takes a roadtrip and sits down to do a podcast with Toby Hemenway author of Gaia’s Garden, and a group of permies. Paul breaks the ice with Toby and they start off the discussion with the subject of deer control methods. Paul points out that Toby didn’t mention as much about this problem in […]

049 – Discussion With Maddy Harland on Current Permaculture

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts , Sepp Holzer - 0 Comments

Paul chats with Maddy Harland from Permaculture Magazine. They discuss the latest issue, and Maddy goes into an article on Sepp Holzer explaining how to build round wood shelters in a day and their multifunctional abilities as animal shelters, earth shelters or vegetable cellars. Maddy defends Sepp Holzers use of big machinery on the land, […]

048 – Discussion on Family, Bugs, Mining, Missoula

Published 12 years ago in chickens , food , missoula , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul discusses some company who came to visit early. He and his brother Tim have such different views on politics that it’s hard to believe they’re related. Tim has a passion for politics and is a conservative based on what Paul expresses. Jocelyn explains how politics are not allowed on Permies. Paul would rather discuss […]

Tags: insects , mullein

047 – Gaias Garden chapter 5

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton and Jocelyn Campbell discuss chapter 5 of Gaia’s Garden, by Toby Hemenway. The chapter was on catching, conserving, and using water. Toby writes of “the 5 fold path to water wisdom,” which includes: 1) having rich soil with lots of organic matter, 2) deep mulching 3) locating plants according to water needs 4) […]

046 – Ants and aphids Fruit trees

Published 12 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul and Jocelyn are visiting Whip & Kelley in Big Fork Montana. He was asked to help solve an infestation problem on an apple tree. Paul sees a lonely apple tree with a deer proofing wire cage and a strawberry plant. ants and aphids were everywhere on this tree and the signs of aphids were […]

Tags: insects , trees

045 – Water Harvesting, Ponds, and Alternative energy

Published 13 years ago in missoula , Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul, Caleb, and Krista review Geoff Lawton’s movie, “Water Harvesting”. After a little initial joking about Paul’s ‘water sound effects’, the three of them introduce themselves and then discuss the dinner they had along with having watched the movie. Focusing then on the topic, Paul gives an overview of the events of the movie. This […]

Tags: greywater , water

044 – Gaias Garden chapter 4

Published 13 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul Wheaton, Jocelyn Campbell and Dave Bennett sit down to review chapter four of Toby Hemenway’s Gaia’s Garden, which Paul proclaims is the best chapter so far in the book. Jocelyn points out that Paul probably loved the opening quote which led them into discussing “soil” versus “dirt” and Paul points out the difference and […]

043 – Gaia’s Garden chapters forward to 3

Published 13 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Review of Gaia’s Garden. Paul and Jocelyn review the first three chapters of the book. The first edition came out in 2000 and the second edition came out in 2009. This podcast covers the forward and the first three chapters but the newer edition does not have a forward. Paul’s edition has a forward by […]

042 – Intentional Community Part 2

Published 13 years ago in Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul visited a few of other people’s podcasts about permaculture and was impressed with how professional they were. Paul liked Carol Steinfelds podcast in particular regarding composting toilets. Jocelyn mentions that Paul’s podcasts are more conversational. Paul discusses how his podcasts are going out daily and videos every other day and how there is not […]

Tags: community